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115 posts total
Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

I've realized that the infection written in Rust is spreading on my computer like a virus. The legacy of GNU Utils, carried through the decades by the community, is gradually becoming clear. Instead of cd, l have zoxide, for ls it's eza. Behemoths have also made room: tmux for zellij , nvim for helix , and so on.

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

rust based stack begins looks interesting. Alacritty, helix, and zellij work great together

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Are we Wayland tiling widows compositors yet?

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

I was interested in Zuker attempts of federalisation so I tried searching people from threads, turns out my server is blocking them. Like it's okay, but still unsure why

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

It's sad to admit this, but after all I can't simply move from twitter to something like hmm without a hysterical billionaire on the top because I am so used to it, it was and has been my main social network for 13 years

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Completely stopped writing pet projects after work. Don't know what exactly happened, I still have plenty of ideas and do not overdue myself during work hours, still no motivation to get things done

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Trust me I am not a bot because here is my one buck. So let's if you want to get rich just by this nft and if you want to be enlightened please read my post about atomic war that ruined previous human civilization one million years ago

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Redeployed my little program yet again, hopes it will work this time.

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Also Godot is getting its momentum since Unity did the trick with per installation fee and then rolled back it. The flow is getting me towards exploring game engines but oh this feels too much for my stupid brain to deal with

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

I will regret this but for some reason I am lurking into bevy and rapier, it's a game engine and physic library that can work with it. Also raylib looks promising since in theory it can be used on Nintendo Switch and 3ds

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

I am saying this with some shame but yes it was the first Mario Bros game in 11 years and I completed it to the ending titles in one weekend. But boy it was a joyful ride, I can express enough how well and creative this game. Physics, level design and overall game quality is actually insane!

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

I don't know exactly why but lately have real difficult times trying to concentrate on my work tasks

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Oh looks like it works not as I expected and picking up all posts from mastodon timeline lmao, even not for me. So I killed it on VPS (sounds very rude but I was gentle with SIGTERM), I need investigate API more closely

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

So my crossposter is up and running on my vps. Hope it will do it's job well and will not do anything illigal (as you know you can't really trust computer programs especial if it written by me)

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Is async closures in rust is ever a thing or should be avoided?

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Oh my god, async closures in rust such a pain

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

lmao this is working but it's ugly rn, this post was redirected by my program to the bluesky

Incognito ergo sum ⚔️

Me launching Microsoft Edge at me Fedora
Edge: where am I oh Linux, disgusting at least give me your root password now, peasant

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