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51 posts total
Jer 🚵🏼

I don’t post many photos of the other brother, probably because he's more refined and reserved, or at the very least has a secret double life no camera can truly capture.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

Jer 🚵🏼

One of the cats is fanatic about bedding. From taking the old ones off to spreading and tucking in new ones, he's all over it. At one point, 3 corners of a fitted sheet on, I move to fourth corner and notice he's at last one pointing where I messed up. "Really?” But I fix it and he goes back to helping out everywhere else.

#CatsOfMastodon #cat

Jer 🚵🏼

Let's check in on how this domestic cat (Felis catus) expertly blends into his habitat …

#CatsOfMastodon #panther #leopard

Jer 🚵🏼

Cat tip #18: keep weapons clean and in good repair.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #claws

Jer 🚵🏼

“oh, sir. oh, sir. excuse me sir.”

I probably trained him to do this, he’ll come up to office chair a few times a day to gently, persistently tap tap tap on the side in hopes I'll scoot forward so he can jump behind me on chair. Some days he’ll lay back there, others he just thinks it's easier for me to backwards pet him (it's not).

#CatsOfMastodon #cats #officeLife

Jer 🚵🏼

And now another exciting episode of: cat adventures with trippy blanket.

I'm not sure where the blanket is from, probably back when the kid was little, but whenever it’s spread on a bed these days this cat has got to be on it.

#Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #tiedye

Jer 🚵🏼

Speaking of love, the boys are really enjoying outside temps warm enough to have the screen door open and enjoy birds on the feeder in full surround sound!


Jer 🚵🏼

“Hun, have you seen the cat lately? I’m not sure where he’s gotten to.”

Jer 🚵🏼

Heirloom rug is THE place to be according to one of our cats. Pet him anywhere else and he’ll dash down the hall to collapse on this rug in hopes you’ll get the hint. Tympanic patting takes it to 11.


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