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4 posts total

Knock Knock! Who's there? John Mastodon. You will never know.


If the Fediverse grows further moderation as a service can become a valid business.

With moderation I mean fighting spam and illegal content all day long. I know its a spicy topic ๐Ÿฟ

Thomas ๐Ÿ”ญโœจ

@jan thatโ€™s not what moderation is, you mean removal of illegal content (CSAM, unsolicited commercial spam, etc.)


Amidon is a Mastodon client for AmigaOS 3.x. by @midwan

It allows the user to connect and authenticate with a Mastodon server instance, post new toots and interact with the various aspects of Mastodon (replies, favourites, bookmarks, etc.).

#mastodon #amiga #client

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@jan I got it to crash a lot. ๐Ÿ˜

Andy Piper

@jan I love this. I know itโ€™s technically not โ€œusefulโ€ for the majority, but it has whimsy and it will bring joy to those who live a retro OS. This is the kind of fun that developers can bring to the #fediverse

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