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Cat woke me up for food at 3am. Wow, look at that southern sky. Is that an aurora?

Yes. Yes it was!

Maybe one of the most spectacular I've seen, the red visible above the green to about 45degrees from the horizon. I've seen brighter ones but not so coloured, and slept through more powerful ones with camera running.

As a bonus, because nothing to do but wait: Put car music on, Lateralus by Tool. Several times it aligned with the sky, brought a tear to my eye in awe of it.

Pics/vid soon.


Do you have a minute? You'll only need 22 seconds.

A bit over 2 hours, 500+ images captured at iso2500, 10 second exposure at 15 second intervals, f-stop-cannot-remember-2-or-2.8. Desaturated substantially to compensate for camera sensitivity.


📷 Samyang 2/12mm, processed in DarkTable, re-compressed with ShotCut.

#AstroPhotography #aurora #AuroraAustralis #samyang #tasmania #DarkTable #ShotCut #FOSS

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