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11 posts total
Kriszta Satori

Belated happy #Caturday to all #CatsOfMastodon from the boss lady. She is currently in windowsill-cat position - this is how she does her most intent listening, currently playing the Bonus episode of #TheGlobalJigsaw on #BBCMonitoring 's #Africa operations. She is trying to spot some meowing under the ubiquitous birdsong in this episode - can you hear any?

Kriszta Satori

As promised in prev toot, here come the two Nairobi cats who consulted the boss lady on the latest episode of #TheGlobalJigsaw - on the spread and stalling of #China 's media operations in #Africa - #CatsOfMastodon please welcome them on this sunny #Caturday
And if you fancy listening to their teamwork too, you can find it here:

Kriszta Satori

#CatsOfMastodon - an exhausted boss lady brings you a freshly mixed edition of #TheGlobalJigsaw with a relatively little known topic: #Turkey 's foothold in #Africa and what a good story is. Subtle message, eid gifts, drones with no strings attached, floating generators and #Erdogan 's personal touch. What better day to listen than a #Caturday ?

Kriszta Satori

Having a nice #Caturday ? I bet many of you, #CatsOfMastodon , are great at deconstructing things. The boss lady aces wallpaper, furniture and house shoes too, as you can see. Last week she tried Deconstructing #Iran 's 'Axis of Resistance' (part two) for #TheGlobalJigsaw - you might want to have a listen to see if she is good at it:

Kriszta Satori

#CatsOfMastodon meet Tiger, the Nairobi cat who watched over the recordings for our latest episode of ##TheGlobalJigsaw as this #Caturday preempts the tragic first anniversary of the war in #Sudan
Barely featuring in the news, overshadowed by another war, this is the current largest humanitarian and displacement crisis in the world. Thread to follow.
Recommended listen:

Kriszta Satori

#CatsOfMastodon, here comes the boss lady on the stage again, bringing you a freshly baked episode of #TheGlobalJigsaw on this lovely #Caturday - one in which we try to deconstruct the origins of the so called 'axis of resistance' of #Iran plus the #IRGC , the #Quds force, the #Basij militias... it is a good one

Kriszta Satori

Good morning from the boss lady, #CatsOfMastodon - it is still very chilly in London!
This #Caturday she brings you our latest #TheGlobalJigsaw on the disinfo wars in the wake of the horrific #CrocusCityHall attack - the narratives from #Moscow #Kyiv #Tajikistan and from the #IslamicState group.
She worked extra hard this week to turn it around fast, so pls let her know your thoughts once you've heard it:

Good morning from the boss lady, #CatsOfMastodon - it is still very chilly in London!
This #Caturday she brings you our latest #TheGlobalJigsaw on the disinfo wars in the wake of the horrific #CrocusCityHall attack - the narratives from #Moscow #Kyiv #Tajikistan and from the #IslamicState group.
She worked extra hard this week to turn it around fast, so pls let her know your thoughts once you've heard it:

Kriszta Satori

The boss lady is deep in thoughts on a sunny #Caturday about what she has just found out from our latest #TheGlobalJigsaw - #CatsOfMastodon fancy learning about the gandos, too?
Here you go:

Kriszta Satori

A merry #Caturday to all #CatsOfMastodon and their people, from a snuggly boss lady

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