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14 posts total
Ben Zanin

The first web search engine that manages to identify generative content to some useful confidence bound the majority of the time and treat it like spam, and manages to get off the ground without being DoubleClick or accepting VC funding, may take a bunch of market share from Google. More importantly it may well save the web.

Ben Zanin

Build small, simple, inspectable programs.

Build them this way so others can understand them; so Future You can fix them, even when you're tired, when the duties of life rest heavily on your aching shoulders, when it would be easier to let the breakage lie.

Build simple things because fulfilling duty and taking responsibility is more important than automation.

Ben Zanin

These are the feet of a cat who has just woken up, noticed that I've also woken up, has inspected the glass dish where we sometimes¹ give her a large cocktail ice cube, discovered it to be empty, meowed piteously about this discovery, and is now waiting for me to fix the situation.

Cats, yo.

¹: rather often now if I'm honest

#cats #mastocats #catstodon #catsOfMastodon #caturday cc: @nev #politeFeet

Ben Zanin



I had been planning to go out. Thank you for informing me of this change of plans, I suppose.

#cats #mastocats #catstodon #catsOfMastodon #caturday

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