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1,311 posts total
Aleksei � Matiushkin

If for some weird reason you have not seen Wag the Dog, do it now.

You won’t regret it, I promise.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Если гречи в доме нет, питерцы на гарнир к куре отваривают рисище.


@mudasobwa дома гречи есть! И даже с мясом))

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Predicate logic greatly lacks the quantifier of surprise.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

I overcame my teeth and went to see how I could rewrite `syn` to separate the wheat from the chaff and the semantics from the syntax.

This code is what I met in two minutes of my research.

MyText_1222_Final_Latest_2.doc it is

Even juniors are taught to think, then design, and only then write code. Now I understand why the language authors failed miserably to accomplish their pilot project in it.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Something weird is happening on BBC News Worldwide right now.

They interviewed people suffering the Israeli bombings in Gaza, directly from their shelter where they try to stay alive.

The word “hostages” has been used twice, to name these 16 people. One witness called the BBC spreading lies, and the UK government being responsible for killing Palestinians right in their interview to the BBC.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

The oldschool pre-photoshop way of faking the Coronita’s right ear. #catstodon

Aleksei � Matiushkin

What’s your favorite dinosaur?

Anonymous poll


other (name in comments)
66 people voted.
Voting ended 1 Nov 2023 at 8:26.
Aleksei � Matiushkin


Воздух густ, да света толика.
Кровь стынет как в преисподней.
Златоуст в шоке: что это? —

Aleksei � Matiushkin

I have been living in Barna for 10 years already and I never realized there is a Statue of Liberty below the crown Columbus stays on.


@mudasobwa are you sure it's Liberty, not (for example) Victory?

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Rust installation is as easy as they say at But then it’s simply freaking new users out.

I wanted to print out an AST of some simple code. I googled for the snippet, created a project, guessed the dependency format in `Cargo.toml`, and boom. Syntax error. OK, `syn` crate fucks backward compatibility. I rewrote the code, tested it in the playground, copy-pasted it into my `` and boom.

`Expr` cannot be formatted using `{:?}` because it doesn't implement `Debug`


Rust installation is as easy as they say at But then it’s simply freaking new users out.

I wanted to print out an AST of some simple code. I googled for the snippet, created a project, guessed the dependency format in `Cargo.toml`, and boom. Syntax error. OK, `syn` crate fucks backward compatibility. I rewrote the code, tested it in the playground, copy-pasted it into my `` and boom.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Well, I googled the error message to no luck, I read through the documentation, and I must admit the code from the documentation example simply does not compile.

OK, I went back to the playground and ran it from there. The promised AST for `foo(42)` looks like, well, `foo (42)` (notice the space.)

The language itself might (or might not) be brilliant, but the toolchain simply sucks.

Error messages are poor, and documentation is too succinct.

Would not recommend.

Well, I googled the error message to no luck, I read through the documentation, and I must admit the code from the documentation example simply does not compile.

OK, I went back to the playground and ran it from there. The promised AST for `foo(42)` looks like, well, `foo (42)` (notice the space.)

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Какой дебил придумал называть это «бюстгальтер», а не «верхнее нижнее белье»?

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Would “I am low on Cyan” be valid as a sick leave excuse for the Epson employee?

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