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1,311 posts total
Aleksei � Matiushkin

The worst code I ever saw had been produced by two categories of people: those who could not do Haskell and those who loved doing Haskell.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

If Forrest Gump was plotted today, the protagonist would have been writing shitty code in some IT big corp using Python, and the famous “Run, Forrest, run!” motto would have read “Go, Forrest, Go!”

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Когда я слышу от кого-нибудь, что в чем-то плохом виноват кто-то другой (власть, начальник, бандиты, злые люди) — я перестаю считать мнение этого человека по этическим вопросам сколько-нибудь релевантным.

Иными словами, я презираю мораль людей, склонных перекладывать вину на кого-либо.

Это был нож в псину

@mudasobwa напомнило вот эти простые, но вместе с тем великие слова

Aleksei � Matiushkin

The advertisement somehow worked in our team from the third attempt, so I am to share it here, too.

Elixir structs with coercion, validation, access, and data generation for property tests.

iex|%_{}|1 ▶ Estructura.User.__generator__ |> Enum.take(1)
address: %Estructura.User.Address{
city: "4",
street: %Estructura.User.Address.Street{house: "a", name: []}
data: %Estructura.User.Data{age: -0.0},
name: "y"

Aleksei � Matiushkin

There should be a verb in English to name people still running Twitter accounts and simultaneously attacking Musk. Somewhat like Hugobossing.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Five years ago I said, Elon Musk is dumb and strangers laughed at my face.

When Musk bought Twitter, I immediately removed my account.

Now look at all these enlightened idiots, barking at him when they were told to. Weren’t you admiring the guy? Weren’t you keeping your now-X accounts? So please shut up now. Musk has not changed a bit. Attacking him now simply shows how miserable your own opinion is.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Every single time I see the statement “Good code must be simple,” I want to make the idiot review a plasma liquidity equations system solution.

If your code can be made simple, you are at the risk of being replaced with a chatbot or something.

Adam Millerchip

@mudasobwa inate complexity is unavoidable but good abstractions and clear ("simple") interfaces are worth fighting for IMO. I'm constantly fighting with people who want to split everything up into dozens of 5-line "clean" functions that are impossible to keep track of. A Philosophy of Software Design is a good book on this topic.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Nowadays it’s safer to read the state govt media rather than so-called “independent” ones.

Knowing the bias of different governments helps to un-bias the facts by squeezing and mixing them.

The govt-driven press lies in predictable ways, and the Cartesian product of what one can read in Spanish, German, UK, USA, Russian, and Latin American media altogether makes some sense at the end of the day.

Independent media is bought in a gift box, tied with ribbons, and you never know which bias is it.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

The fact that docker environments were widely adopted for production shows how miserably we treat customers.

The inevitable loss of the hot cache during a container restart is a hardly solvable issue, and literally nobody cares to solve it. At best, people use some external storage for this cache which is inefficient, increases the application footprint, and makes zero sense in general.

But yay, we tend to ease our deploys, not the customer’s experience. Nah.

Aleksei � Matiushkin


— Лоток опять сухой...
Куда же Барсит ссыт?
— Да ты опять бухой?
Я ссу в твой код на сы,
Ссу в код твой на пытон,
Ссу даже в джаваскрыпт.
Такой вот я гондон.
Такой вот шызокрыпт.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

В 90-е почему-то было очень модно говорить, что ты питерский. А если в седьмом колене — то вообще. Особенно среди понаехов.

Я людей, назойливо тыкавших своим элитарным происхождением всем в лицо, всегда вежливо спрашивал: «Знаешь, у Бродского, „на Васильевский остров я приду умирать, твой фасад темносиний...“, — про какой дом?» — «Нет», — обычно раздавалось в ответ. «13-ый по 13-ой Линии ВО», говорил я многозначительно, намекая на мистические числа.

Вопрос: что мгновенно выдавало самозванца?


@mudasobwa :blobcateyes:
Ничего не понятно, но очень интересно.

Сразу представила, что будет, если спросить меня про мой город. 😅 Вряд ли я пройду тест.

Данила Горелко

Вот только что вернулся с прогулки по Васильевскому. Чётная линия — нечётные дома и наоборот

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Сука. Я чуть кофе не подавился.

Это уже не журналист изнасиловал ученого, это я даже не знаю.

Что дальше? Научатся производить код из мозга программиста?


@mudasobwa придумают специальную мясорубку для мозгов. Думаю сразу наступит дефицит на рынке труда.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

I wonder if social network bubbles follow the rules of Conway’s Life game.

Even if social networks were supposed to join people socially, all they do is exactly the opposite; they put people into bubbles. An ability to ban strangers gave an illusion that everyone around thinks as we do.

And then we go walk through offline and boom. A weirdo in the tram asks not to fart them in face and we are not prepared to such a rudeness. How dare them, we banned everyone not enjoying our farts decades ago.

Rustem Zakiev 🔥

@mudasobwa on the other hand, it is nice to have an option to get rid of the guys who are making fun farting in your bubble. And by all means this is still an option, not a compulsory. You can not coerce people to join - deprivation of banhammers/silencers will lead to places getting abandoned.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

In case you want to support this blog, buy yourself a coffee, or a whiskey shot, or whatever and please yourself with a glorious gulp.

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