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1,311 posts total
Aleksei � Matiushkin

The only point of why content moderation is Nazi itself is that the moderation is done by regular human beings, who proclaimed their ideals are better than others’.

If this is not the core of Nazi ideology, I do not know what is.

Substack CEO Chris Best Doesn’t Realize He’s Just Become The Nazi Bar | Techdirt

Aleksei � Matiushkin

What does bingo mean? /cc @dgar

Anonymous poll


Twice non-governmental org
The order for trash can to walk out
20 people voted.
Voting ended 14 Apr 2023 at 8:05.
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@mudasobwa @dgar

A game, the goal of which is to get Bing to give a correct answer.

Rustem Zakiev 🔥

@mudasobwa @dgar Nah, that is a story of sir Newton discovering gravity.
- bing!
- oh!


@mudasobwa @dgar LOL, OK, I had to read that three or four times, so I’d say it was a total success!

Aleksei � Matiushkin


Freddy Mercury wanted

Anonymous poll


to ride in circles twice
to ride every second loop
19 people voted.
Voting ended 14 Apr 2023 at 5:25.
Aleksei � Matiushkin

The level of my addiction to fancy cars might be best described as it’s been 24 hours since we finally got the new car we had ordered 14 months ago, and I still did not find the time to test-drive it.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

@ololoch вот идеальный таглайн для тебя, в дополнение к «снаружи свинья а внутри люцифер»:

— Хоть господь мне дар и дал, а писать я не берусь.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

StackOverflow really? An elected moderator?

This world is doomed if we cannot distinguish software development and politics anymore.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

My attitude to mind-mapping software was coined by Albert Einstein.

“Brilliant thoughts come to mind so rarely that they are easy to remember.”

Rustem Zakiev 🔥

@mudasobwa да, но "самый тупой карандаш острее самой острой памяти".

При всей неприязни к инфоцыганским "стандартам" майндмаппинга, карандаш (или там, drawio какой-нибудь) помогает разгрести бардак, который неизбежен в дурацкой ситуации, когда жонглируешь больше чем двумя или тремя проектами.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Next time I hear the argument “AI is good enough because there are people all around who perform even worse,” I’d punch the person saying it in the face.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

I finally figured out what’s wrong with golang syntax.

It reminds me of the ingenious Nadsat argot coined by Anthony Burgess’ for Alex the protagonist of Clockwork Orange.

“Horrorshow is right, friend. A real show of horrors.”

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Еще одна прекрасная история про дедлок (я их коллекционирую).

[Прямой ссылки нет, отмотать до «В начале 90-х служил на Курильских островах, аэродром с вертушками у нас был на маленьком острове, рядом постоянно стояли несколько кораблей.»]

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Eight Things to Know about Large Language Models by Samuel R. Bowman

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Aesopian language has a congenital malformation of being understood directly by a vast majority of the population.

This indeed means that while the author and his three intelligent friends are excited about how they fooled the censorship, everyone else receives another portion of propaganda.

Aleksei � Matiushkin

Keeping context is NOT the main issue of LLMs.

The main issue is DROPPING context which is not actual anymore.

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