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7 posts total

This is how he sleeps. He did not feel safe at all when he came home, I love that he feels safe now.

He is the Monster Cat. #Caturday


He is named Monster Cat for good reason, take me for a beer and I will tell you the stories.



Monster Cat's bed heater is set to 80°, that seems about right. #Caturday


Monster Cat woke me at 4:30, ate himself into a stupor, went back to bed and is now annoyed that I am taking his picture.



It turns out Monster Cat is not as into #Caturday (and #CativityPub) as I am.

Here is one from the archives, he looks like a sweetie but I can assure you he is named Monster Cat for a reason.


a) Monster Cat is currently at zero hair mats
b) had a bath yesterday, and
c) will not be posing



Every responsible cat owner knows you have to smush up the Cheetos. #Caturday

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