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10 posts total
Jonathan Kamens

Is this "Aw, look what good buddies Merlin and Lancelot are", or, "The ongoing battle for ownership of the pink beanbag continues"?
#Merlin #Lancelot #CatsOfMastodon

Jonathan Kamens

#Merlin would like it to be known that his belly is available for belly rubs. #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday

Jonathan Kamens

Was unpacking, went to empty the bag of dirty laundry from my suitcase into the laundry basket, was impeded by this. #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon #Lancelot

Jonathan Kamens

It has been 7 years since @MSPCAAngell saved #Lancelot's life after he jumped through a metal window screen. We will always be grateful for how well they cared for him, as well as for the financial assistance they gave us when the bills started to pile up. That's why I just made a donation to their Pet Care Assistance Fund. Maybe you would like to as well? ( )
Here's Lancelot today, doing what he does best, finding a warm place to nap.
#CatsOfMastodon #caturday #Boston

It has been 7 years since @MSPCAAngell saved #Lancelot's life after he jumped through a metal window screen. We will always be grateful for how well they cared for him, as well as for the financial assistance they gave us when the bills started to pile up. That's why I just made a donation to their Pet Care Assistance Fund. Maybe you would like to as well? ( )
Here's Lancelot today, doing what he does best, finding a warm place to nap.

Jonathan Kamens

When this good boy wants attention, he really wants attention. #CatsOfMastodon #Merlin #Caturday

Jonathan Kamens

This week we found out our poor boy #Merlin has #felineDiabetes. The tip-offs which sent us to the vet to get him checked out, later than we should have: significant increased urination plus significant weight loss. We didn't clue into the urination immediately because we got a new kitten and thought it was because of that, but honestly we should have noticed the weight loss sooner: he lost 4 pounds!
It's a manageable condition, so hopefully we'll get it under control. #CatsOfMastodon

Jonathan Kamens

#TFW you don't want to inconvenience the cat by making him move so you just fold the laundry around him. #Merlin #CatsOfMastodon

Jonathan Kamens

#PrinceOllie has taken up residence on my chest and is declining to relocate. #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

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