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52 posts total
BadExampleMan 🟣

Charlemagne may be well north of 15 pounds but he can still move surprisingly fast when he wants to. The rat sure was surprised. (I took it away from him and relocated to the vacant lot next door. It was stunned but alive at that time.) #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

BadExampleMan 🟣

Charlemagne assisting in the review of this week's #Caturday posts. #CatsOfMastodon

BadExampleMan 🟣

Definitely getting a little white around the muzzle. She is 11. #CatsOfMastodon

BadExampleMan 🟣

There's not a lot you can do with an outdoor long hair cat, especially if he's not fond of being brushed. I do what I can, including snipping the Klingons off his butt fur. #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

BadExampleMan 🟣

My roommate took this picture proving that even though Charlemagne has become a lazy boy that hardly moves from the couch, he can still carry out his catly duties. #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

BadExampleMan 🟣

Today I learned that Charlemagne is properly called a "doll face" Persian because he doesn't have the pushed-in nose that some have. #Caturday #CatsOfMastodon

BadExampleMan 🟣

Charlemagne does not approve of his housemates jumping the gun on #Caturday. #CatsOfMastodon

BadExampleMan 🟣

Lifelong trust issues. This is the closest she ever gets to snuggling. #CatsOfMastodon #Caturday

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