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6 posts total
Andy Bell

Every time @heydon publishes one of these I think “they can't possibly top that” and then they go ahead and do exactly that

Large Heydon Collider

@andy Thought of you as I made the beats in the middle haha ❤️

Sush Kelly

@andy @heydon the mildly anxiety inducing background music - chefs kiss..

Amanda Carson

@andy @heydon I made a point of making sure there wasn't any coffee in my mouth before watching this, and it's a good thing too because I would have spit it out several times had there been any.

Andy Bell

📝 New Little Design Tip!

Instead of leaning into heavy social sharing widgets, you can create a truly user-friendly social sharing component that works for everyone, using built-in APIs and progressive enhancement.

Andy Bell

optician: the results are not good
patient: can I see them?
optician: probably not

Andy Bell

You may remember a while ago, we asked people to visit a little web app that grabbed their viewport sizes.

We had an idea in mind for a visualisation and article that today, we've just pushed live.

The ideal viewport doesn't exist

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@andy Very cool article.

And the attached data finaly gave me something to procrastinate with.

I tried to visualize the view ports in relation to one another. (The screenshot is zoomed in and the pixels are not to scale)

But you can defiantly make out mobile phones.


@andy great article! However I still feel there are so many aspects left to explore to improve our design and testing workflows. Are there larger clusters of similar viewport sizes that we can pay extra attention to? What percentage of users use viewports within those clusters? If you plan to test specifically for those clusters, is it better to use the average size or the minimal size...

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