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5 posts total
Emily Velasco

Bitches who piss on the seat in a bar restroom and don't clean up after themselves for the sake of other bitches at the bar are not going to see the kingdom of heaven

Emily Velasco

The AliExpress vendor cancelled my order for 2200K (color temperature) through-hole LEDs, so I'm out here making my damn 2200K LEDs out of SMD LEDs, legs clipped off other LEDs, and resin. Pffftt

Zack Stern

@MLE_online are you pressure casting a clear 2-part resin that’s usually for gluing things? I didn’t know that was a thing, what resin is it?

My usual is mixing smooth on bottles, but casting a glue-style resin seems interesting in some situations.

James Akers

@MLE_online nice! Way to get it done! Love the trusty ol harbour freight pressure caster. Never thought to use the SMD LEDs like that🤔

Emily Velasco

They are out of their molds. But, do they work?

Emily Velasco

so, @settinger designed and printed a comic sans typewriter ball so we're testing it on my IBM selectric this afternoon and it totally does work!

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brendan (ジャンク品)

@MLE_online @settinger are you gonna make this file available for download? a dear friend wants to print one for his selectric


@MLE_online @settinger is so nice I would like to try it at the computer museum is the design available ?

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