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23 posts total
shp :blobshp:
Our #LDJAM game Build-A-Delivery is ready!
Made by me and @Nightingalle, she did the music and title art and I did the rest. The vehicle code is based on Urre's func_vehicle mod for Quake.

The game is available on itch for Linux and Windows!

You take the role of a delivery driver in a small desert village, moving packages from one villager to another and getting paid for it. Unfortunately the company car is quite bare bones and it’s your job to install parts to it and figure out how to carry packages in it, essentially building your own delivery car.
Our #LDJAM game Build-A-Delivery is ready!
Made by me and @Nightingalle, she did the music and title art and I did the rest. The vehicle code is based on Urre's func_vehicle mod for Quake.

shp :blobshp:
the kind of a girl that straps blåhaj to herself while playing beat saber :blobcatoverlycute:
shp :blobshp:
what the reimu doing in start.bsp

done with EDF movement for reimu (dodge rolls + jumping, but with separate buttons unlike in EDF)
shp :blobshp:
Ok Ludum Dare 50 compo game done!!

in Engineer's Last Stand you eliminate tons of hostile bugs but only with the turrets you place. you won't last 5 minutes playing this game!

wubdiws and linux builds are up, web build had trouble so that might come later or not at all$287712
Ok Ludum Dare 50 compo game done!!

in Engineer's Last Stand you eliminate tons of hostile bugs but only with the turrets you place. you won't last 5 minutes playing this game!
shp :blobshp:
when the food product you usually buy is not stocked, so you buy a cheaper brand that looks near identical

and it tastes bloody awful jesus christ
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