> In one study, germ-free mice underwent fecal transplants with microbes from humans with or without major depressive disorder (MDD). Mice with microbes from humans with MDD displayed more behaviors associated with anxiety and depression than mice transplanted with microbes from humans without MDD.
#криптография #? @rf
Есть чё для шифрования файлов паролем с адаптивным количеством итераций kdf, как в cryptsetup+LUKS? Желательно без очевидных заголовков в результирующем файле.
чёт своп на lvm плохо переносит перетыкание
выткнул, воткнул обратно - ошибки валиться не перестают
сделал swapoff - выжрал весь проц, не убивается
#ethereum #? @rf
Какой лёгкий клиент нынче норм?
// много лет назад завёл ~/.ethereum с баблом, а сегодня не смог вспомнить, какой софт для этого использовал
#english #? #newspeak@rf
В американском английском часто стало употребляться "cancel" в социальном контексте; поясните, что это значит? Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English и urbandictionary не смогли прояснить мне этот вопрос.
01:56:07]<gordon1> it has integrated bootloader iirc
01:56:18]<gordon1> dfu thing that triggers by BOOT0 pin
01:58:19]<L29Ah> 407? is this the only difference?
01:58:55]<gordon1> i think all of stm32f4 with usb
01:59:29]<L29Ah> oh wow
01:59:39]<L29Ah> DS tells they do
02:00:33]<L29Ah> but apparently it doesn't work
02:00:56]<L29Ah> i'm holding BOOT0 and plug my shit in - get some whining about failure to establish the usb link in my dmesg
02:01:22]<L29Ah> while it works with firmware DFU
02:01:40]<gordon1> crystal most likely the reason
02:02:01]<gordon1> firmware configures PLL in the way to produce 48MHz clock required for USB
02:02:11]<gordon1> but integrated DFU bootloader is stupid
02:02:29]<gordon1> it just expects to have 8Mhz
02:04:32]<L29Ah> indeed, mine has a 25MHz crystal
02:07:51]<gordon1> Due to HSI deviation and since HSI is used to detect HSE value, the user must use low
02:07:53]<gordon1> frequency rather than high frequency HSE crystal values (low frequency values are better
02:07:56]<gordon1> detected due to larger error margin). For example, it is better to use 8 MHz instead of
02:08:01]<gordon1> 25 MHz.
02:08:27]<gordon1> page 121
02:12:07]<gordon1> basically plug and pray
20:22:01]<gordon1> it is a PITA yes
20:22:13]<gordon1> but ever worse with crystalless usb
20:22:21]<gordon1> i have my usb password thingy
20:22:33]<gordon1> and made a jig to program it
20:22:58]<gordon1> it depends on the position of your finger on the pcb if you're going to have it working or not
20:23:19]<gordon1> after its flashed - usb works perfectly fine 100% of the time
20:23:24]<gordon1> *it's
20:24:16]<gordon1> so yeah
20:24:22]<gordon1> try pushing on the crystal
20:24:28]<gordon1> or waving your arm around
20:24:47]<gordon1> you'll be surprised how often that does work
20:29:17]<L29Ah> OH FUCKING WOW
20:29:19]<L29Ah> gordon1: :*
20:29:31]<gordon1> lol did it work?
20:29:31]<L29Ah> i tried to be really careful when presing those boot and reset buttons
20:29:40]<L29Ah> and usb works!
20:29:45]<gordon1> yea yeah
20:29:52]<gordon1> welcome to stm32 dfu bootloader
01:56:07]<gordon1> it has integrated bootloader iirc
01:56:18]<gordon1> dfu thing that triggers by BOOT0 pin
01:58:19]<L29Ah> 407? is this the only difference?
01:58:55]<gordon1> i think all of stm32f4 with usb
01:59:29]<L29Ah> oh wow
01:59:39]<L29Ah> DS tells they do
02:00:33]<L29Ah> but apparently it doesn't work
02:00:56]<L29Ah> i'm holding BOOT0 and plug my shit in - get some whining about failure to establish the usb link in my dmesg
02:01:22]<L29Ah> while...
воткнул второй монитор в интел - тиринг в видео снова появился
пришлось композитный менеджер включить
выдернул монитор - тиринг продолжается
сделал выдернутому монитору --off в xrandr - тиринг кончился
видимо псевдо-фуллскрин xinerama недостаточно фулскринен чтобы противотиринговые костыли интеледрайвера срабатывали