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shom πŸ§πŸ“·πŸ€ΏπŸ”οΈπŸͺš

I decided to try out the Gum (single Go binary) by @charmcli to make adding photos easier to my Hugo static site. This is all done with pretty basic bash scripting (the only kind I'm capable of)! It was impressively easy it was to use and while I don't like additional dependencies, this one is worth it.

I definitely will be making a lot more use of Gum (a whole Hugo interface)! Shout out to my #BelieveInFilm and #Hugo friend @bill for the nice photo layout.

#Charm #Gum #Hugo #Bash #CLI

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@shom @charmcli This looks interesting. I'm currently pulling metadata from the Exif as part of my #Hugo theme. Creating the folder and index file is definitely something I could automate though.

Nelson Chu Pavlosky

@shom @charmcli This looks great! Is your code online anywhere? Have you done more work on a Hugo interface since this post? I'm tempted to try something similar for my Hugo sites.

EDIT: OK I found the script from this post

Still curious if you intend to go further :-)

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