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War Mapper

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 02/05/23.

There have been no notable changes to control since the last update.

#ukraine #russia #ukrainewar #conflict #map #europe #nato #warinukraine #mapping #news #breaking

War Mapper


The #SAF continues to enter and clear neighbourhoods north of #Bahri (#Khartoum North).

#SAF positions have been identified further into the centre of Khartoum.

Additional #RSF control has been identified in central and also southwest of Umm Durman.

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan

War Mapper

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 01/05/23.

In Bakhmut πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί have advanced further within the city from the north.

#ukraine #russia #ukrainewar #conflict #map #europe #nato #warinukraine #mapping #news #breaking

War Mapper

#Khartoum update:

#SAF continue to clear neighbourhoods north of Bahri (Khartoum North) and is also assaulting RSF positions in southwest Umm Durman.

Additional #SAF positions have been identified northeast of the airport.

#RSF control has been identified on southeast and southwest roads into Khartoum and some additional southern city districts.

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan

War Mapper

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 30/04/23.

In Bakhmut πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί have continued to advance west within the city.

πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί have also advanced in the north of the city.

#ukraine #russia #ukrainewar #conflict #map #europe #nato #warinukraine #mapping #news #breaking

War Mapper

#Khartoum update:

#RSF lost positions along the Nile in Umm Durman. Control is expanded west, and in its southern districts

In southeast Khartoum RSF control was expanded on street 60.

Updates from other areas of Sudan:

A localised truce in Al Fashir appears to be holding.

Violent clashes in Geneina continue. Combatants now include RSF, SAF, militias, as well as local protection forces.

Police have been deployed in Nyala to secure and protect the city.

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan

War Mapper

A timelapse of the Russian progress in Bakhmut since the start of 2023.


@warmapper Russia fights because its officers like to be hypocritical about the marriages and about the sex acts ("credit": They're turning Bakhmut into ... WAIT OUT

War Mapper

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 29/04/23.

There have been no notable changes to control since the last update.

#ukraine #russia #ukrainewar #conflict #map #europe #nato #warinukraine #mapping #news #breaking

War Mapper

#Khartoum map update:

#RSF have taken control of some blocks northwest of the airport.

RSF control has been updated in Bahri (Khartoum North) and in the north of Umm Durman.

RSF have been pushed back away from their gains in southern Umm Durman yesterday.

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan

War Mapper

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 28/04/23.

In Bakhmut, πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί have continued west and advanced up to the main road out of Bakhmut which passes along the edge of the city.

#ukraine #russia #ukrainewar #conflict #map #europe #nato #warinukraine #mapping #news #breaking

Wu Evar πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦

@warmapper looks like THIS meat grinder is over soon. How many months did this town hold but in the last ~2 weeks or so it collapsed pretty quickly despite the (propaganda) reports that Wagner is the only really competent force but running out of men (or meat to grind so to say). I wonder what happened. I guess (hope) UAF was slowly β€œstopping defending” and pulling their units out. They did an amazing job there holding the Russians back for like forever.

War Mapper

#Khartoum map update:

#RSF control expanded in Umm Durman, near what has been an #SAF stronghold.

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan

War Mapper

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 27/04/23.

In Bakhmut πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί have advanced further west through the city.

#ukraine #russia #ukrainewar #conflict #map #europe #nato #warinukraine #mapping #news #breaking

War Mapper

#Khartoum map update:

Confirmations allow more accurate marking of #SAF control west of Al-Halfaia bridge.

The #RSF control within Umm Durman has been expanded.

North of Khartoum the situation has become clearer:

The RSF have captured the Khartoum Refinery.

The RSF attacked towards Khartoum from their positions to the north. SAF countered across the Al-Halfaia bridge and are attempting to secure the nearby neighbourhoods.

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan

Art Nouveau Appreciator

@warmapper I’m not surprised, but damn this doesn’t look good for the Army.

War Mapper

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 26/04/23.

In Bakhmut πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί continues to advance west through the city.

#ukraine #russia #ukrainewar #conflict #map #europe #nato #warinukraine #mapping #news #breaking

David Penington

The defences along the Bakhmut railway have failed. Wagner are now pushing slowly through city blocks

War Mapper

#Khartoum map update:

#SAF control updated in areas of Umm Durman.

#RSF control expanded: south and east of the airport, National University Hospital in southeast Khartoum, East Nile, and by the Shambat bridge in Khartoum North.

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan

Art Nouveau Appreciator

@warmapper any way you could thread these updates so we can easily see the changes?

War Mapper

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 25/04/23.

There have been no notable changes to control since the last update.

#ukraine #russia #ukrainewar #conflict #map #europe #nato #warinukraine #mapping #news #breaking

Joe Laszlo

@warmapper Any updates on the Ukrainian positions on the east bank of the Dnipro near Kherson?

War Mapper

#Khartoum map update:

Few changes were possible to confirm today.

#SAF control added across the northern entrance bridge to Umm Durman.

The contested area partially expanded south of the airport.

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan

War Mapper

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 24/04/23.

There have been no notable changes to control since the last update.

#ukraine #russia #ukrainewar #conflict #map #europe #nato #warinukraine #mapping #news #breaking

War Mapper

#Khartoum map update:

#SAF have progressed towards the airport, taking back control of part of the Military HQ complex.

#RSF repelled yesterday's advances by the SAF in Khartoum North and are confirmed to be present in much of the industrial area there.

An Evacuation of the US Embassy in the southeast outskirts of Khartoum was carried out in the early hours of Sunday morning via helicopter.

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan

War Mapper

A map of the approximate situation on the ground in Ukraine as of 00:00 UTC 23/04/23.

In Bakhmut πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί have advanced south of the rail station.

πŸ‡·πŸ‡Ί have also continued their advance closer to the Khromove road.

#ukraine #russia #ukrainewar #conflict #map #europe #nato #warinukraine #mapping #news #breaking

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