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War Mapper

#Khartoum map update:

#SAF control updated in areas of Umm Durman.

#RSF control expanded: south and east of the airport, National University Hospital in southeast Khartoum, East Nile, and by the Shambat bridge in Khartoum North.

#KeepEyesOnSudan #Sudan

Art Nouveau Appreciator

@warmapper any way you could thread these updates so we can easily see the changes?

War Mapper

@Jetengineweasel I'm not sure if there's a tidy way to do that, I do a weekly catchup on my website to summarise the week's events in one.

Art Nouveau Appreciator

@warmapper awesome, do you have an RSS feed I can subscribe to?

War Mapper

@Jetengineweasel I'm not familiar with how RSS feeds work. I do email out the weekly update if that would be of interest.

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