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10 posts total
iwojima (硫島於闇網)
на внезапное:
# docker run alpine:edge
Unable to find image 'alpine:edge' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for alpine, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: <html><body><h1>403 Forbidden</h1>
Since Docker is a US company, we must comply with US export control regulations. In an effort to comply with these, we now block all IP addresses that are located in Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Republic of Crimea, Sudan, and Syria. If you are not in one of these cities, countries, or regions and are blocked, please reach out to

лечится добавлением в /etc/docker/daemon.json:
"registry-mirrors" : [ "https:\/\/" ]

добавление HTTP_PROXY / HTTPS_PROXY через тор также помогает, но возможны proxyconnect tcp: net/http: TLS handshake timeout
на внезапное:
# docker run alpine:edge
Unable to find image 'alpine:edge' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for alpine, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: <html><body><h1>403 Forbidden</h1>
iwojima (硫島於闇網)
>proxyconnect tcp: net/http: TLS handshake timeout
лечится изменением протокола для https-proxy c https на http:
"proxies": {
"http-proxy": "http://address:port",
"https-proxy": "http://address:port"
в отличии от родной доки
>"https-proxy": ""
>proxyconnect tcp: net/http: TLS handshake timeout
лечится изменением протокола для https-proxy c https на http:
"proxies": {
"http-proxy": "http://address:port",
iwojima (硫島於闇網)
#snac #хозяйке на заметку
вот таким простым POST запросом можно заставить snac отправить сообщение с картинкой ... и без всякой дури с mastodon api.
curl -u username:password -F content="message text" -F attach=@./file.jpg http://instance_url/username/admin/note
iwojima (硫島於闇網)
#netstalking #onion #fedi
Usagi is a federated image board based on ActivityPub. The current version of the code running on the server is still a work-in-progress product, expect a bumpy ride for the time being. Get the server code here:
You can find my modifications here:

#netstalking #onion #fedi
Usagi is a federated image board based on ActivityPub. The current version of the code running on the server is still a work-in-progress product, expect a bumpy ride for the time being. Get the server code here:
iwojima (硫島於闇網)
PoC running PWMAngband in i2p&tor
PWMAngband is a graphical dungeon adventure game that uses textual characters to represent the walls and floors of a dungeon and the inhabitants therein, in the vein of games like NetHack and Rogue.
Sorce code -
Windows binary 1.6.0 (beta 2) -!Agr9pSnKOxyfgSvIzUdy_AnUoCCV?e=fVZix9

i2p server tunnel config:
type = server
address =
port = 18346
key = pwmangband.dat

i2p client tunnel config:
[/etc/i2pd]# cat tunnels.conf
type = client
address =
port = 18346
destination = iwojimabxbn4r66e5c23tg7gur4bwyfn4lh3vo5ahrouaqgyvyca.b32.i2p
destinationport = 18346

Start PWMAngband client (over i2p):
[PWMAngband]# ./pwmangclient

torrc config:
HiddenServicePort 18346
Start cPWMAngband client (over tor):
[PWMAngband]# torify ./pwmangclient iwojima7cnn53jitsig4xjd23lchircbnu4yzuajdsclchiu3j2dbjad.onion
PoC running PWMAngband in i2p&tor
PWMAngband is a graphical dungeon adventure game that uses textual characters to represent the walls and floors of a dungeon and the inhabitants therein, in the vein of games like NetHack and Rogue.
iwojima (硫島於闇網)
Forwarded from: @iwojima@iwojimafy6sxclfall2ixzyuq2xcdbqj3tlxgi46ik3ssigxz7fa.b32.i2p
#netstalking #tor
Personal streaming platform with chat.
Something fresh, no seen similar before...
Вроде как стримить через скрытосети так себе занятие, задержки и все такое. Но ктото иногда всеж пытается.
Forwarded from: @iwojima@iwojimafy6sxclfall2ixzyuq2xcdbqj3tlxgi46ik3ssigxz7fa.b32.i2p
#netstalking #tor
Personal streaming platform with chat.
Something fresh, no seen similar before...
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