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8 posts total
iwojima (硫島於闇網)
#snac #хозяйке на заметку
вот таким простым POST запросом можно заставить snac отправить сообщение с картинкой ... и без всякой дури с mastodon api.
curl -u username:password -F content="message text" -F attach=@./file.jpg http://instance_url/username/admin/note
iwojima (硫島於闇網)
#netstalking #onion #fedi
Usagi is a federated image board based on ActivityPub. The current version of the code running on the server is still a work-in-progress product, expect a bumpy ride for the time being. Get the server code here:
You can find my modifications here:

#netstalking #onion #fedi
Usagi is a federated image board based on ActivityPub. The current version of the code running on the server is still a work-in-progress product, expect a bumpy ride for the time being. Get the server code here:
iwojima (硫島於闇網)
PoC running PWMAngband in i2p&tor
PWMAngband is a graphical dungeon adventure game that uses textual characters to represent the walls and floors of a dungeon and the inhabitants therein, in the vein of games like NetHack and Rogue.
Sorce code -
Windows binary 1.6.0 (beta 2) -!Agr9pSnKOxyfgSvIzUdy_AnUoCCV?e=fVZix9

i2p server tunnel config:
type = server
address =
port = 18346
key = pwmangband.dat

i2p client tunnel config:
[/etc/i2pd]# cat tunnels.conf
type = client
address =
port = 18346
destination = iwojimabxbn4r66e5c23tg7gur4bwyfn4lh3vo5ahrouaqgyvyca.b32.i2p
destinationport = 18346

Start PWMAngband client (over i2p):
[PWMAngband]# ./pwmangclient

torrc config:
HiddenServicePort 18346
Start cPWMAngband client (over tor):
[PWMAngband]# torify ./pwmangclient iwojima7cnn53jitsig4xjd23lchircbnu4yzuajdsclchiu3j2dbjad.onion
PoC running PWMAngband in i2p&tor
PWMAngband is a graphical dungeon adventure game that uses textual characters to represent the walls and floors of a dungeon and the inhabitants therein, in the vein of games like NetHack and Rogue.
iwojima (硫島於闇網)
Forwarded from: @iwojima@iwojimafy6sxclfall2ixzyuq2xcdbqj3tlxgi46ik3ssigxz7fa.b32.i2p
#netstalking #tor
Personal streaming platform with chat.
Something fresh, no seen similar before...
Вроде как стримить через скрытосети так себе занятие, задержки и все такое. Но ктото иногда всеж пытается.
Forwarded from: @iwojima@iwojimafy6sxclfall2ixzyuq2xcdbqj3tlxgi46ik3ssigxz7fa.b32.i2p
#netstalking #tor
Personal streaming platform with chat.
Something fresh, no seen similar before...
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