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157 posts total
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
Early matrix: Okay, it's a NIH of XMPP but it has working VoIP

XMPP: Hold my beer, I'm getting and a good Android client
Matrix: Wait no…

Matrix now: We're friends with cops, and pretty much are adding surveillance
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:

Here is hypocrite of an admin saying that stux should have given a grace period before them blocking (then unblocking) that happened ~13 hours ago.

Meanwhile admin themselves are completely trigger-happy on blocking any instances on sight with never contacting the relevant admins. And you know it's horseshit because they obviously didn't do it for Universeodon as the drama related to facebook is very fresh.

Here is hypocrite of an admin saying that stux should have given a grace period before them blocking (then unblocking) that happened ~13 hours ago.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
What The Fuck vs. Double You Tee Eff ("WTF")

Well done English for being so badly optimised.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
If there's one thing academic professors got right it's simple websites.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
Boot/loading splash without any status information is pretty much artistry without proper design.

@lanodan it's been more than 10 days since the last collapse so we're definitely long past due for another one, even by yellow issues we're well past the usual 2 to 4 days days break between the 2 to 3 days streaks

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
@Moon when doing moderation: I'll punish you, in the name of the moon!
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
> Relied upon by more than 17 million developers worldwide, npm is committed to making JavaScript development elegant, productive, and safe.

Who the *fuck* wrote that? No seriously, I would git-blame.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
VPNs marketed against phishing/viruses/spoofing/… is kind of like saying that you should wear a coat (instead of a condom) before having sex.
Dr. Quadragon ❌


> like saying that you should wear a coat before having sex.

Wait, What, YOU DON'T?

Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
There's a thing I've been wondering about "nuance is dead on the internet" because I don't think it's the because of the internet.

Like it's the case for public discussions but not so much in close-knit communities, probably because when you actually know the other person it is easier to understand them, you actually learned about how they express nuances but also enough background to see where they come from.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
Plan9: everything is a file
Linux: everything is a lie
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
> Do not argue with trolls - it means that they wins.

I wish more people would know and learn this one.
Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell:
tfw you read "monopole" and instead of massive centralisation you think about Magnetic Monopoles.

I blame Robotics;Notes.

@lanodan Reminds me of an old joke.

How do you tell the difference between a chemist and a plumber? Ask them to pronounce "unionized."

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