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2 posts total

RDF/CBOR ( Yet another RDF serialization.

But it has some new tricks:

- Optimized for small pieces of content (e.g. ActivityStreams objects)
- Allows content-addressing

It's designed for decentralized systems, passing around small pieces of RDF.

#openEngiadina #RDF #NLnet #NGI0


Hello Fediverse!

This is call for feedback and comments on the initial Fediverse Enhancement Proposal (FEP):

FEP-a4edc7b: The Fediverse Enhancement Proposal Process

FEPs are intended to be documents that provide information that improves interoperability and general well-being of the Fediverse.

This may include technical things but also social and cultural best-practices and experiences.

Hello Fediverse!

This is call for feedback and comments on the initial Fediverse Enhancement Proposal (FEP):

FEP-a4edc7b: The Fediverse Enhancement Proposal Process

FEPs are intended to be documents that provide information that improves interoperability and general well-being of the Fediverse.


This initial FEP describes the format and process of publishing FEPs.

This was something that was worked on during the ActivityPubConf 2020 Hackathon by @lain, @cj and myself.

The FEP publishing process is a peer-review system where **you** are the peers!

Your comments are extremely valuable and an essential part of the process. If you have questions, comments or doubts please post. If you think this is a good idea, pleas also express your support.

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