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880 posts total
Maxim Lebedev

#Hades is the best game of 2020 in all #TGA2020 nominations. Change my mind.

Maxim Lebedev

I look forward to the release of #PeerTube with streaming support, so I can finally get off Twitch and freely use such "offensive" tags as, for example, "blind playthrough".

Maxim Lebedev

And, no, I do not find the word "blind" offensive. I don't believe in insults at all, as such.

Григорий Клюшников

Они серьёзно банят за слово blind?!

Maxim Lebedev

🎮 I have created an (weekly) updated list of #games I have completed and reviewed:

Maxim Lebedev

It seems that #GitLab does not know how to run the pipelines through the creation of an issue, as #GitHub does through Actions. Is it really so or was I looking badly? :blob_confused:

Maxim Lebedev

It would be super to update my static site in Pages by creating an issue with a minimal set of information and tags, so that the CI/CD would take the data and publish it in the repository as a new page, then closing the issue.

Maxim Lebedev

В Твиттере, в прочем, как обычно отменяют что-то, что можно было просто проигнорировать.

Григорий Клюшников

Когда-нибудь сам твиттер отменят.

Maxim Lebedev

The second night I play in #Creaks. By feeling - passed about half of the #game. I am very impressed with the #design of the game and adaptive #music, the puzzles are exactly at that level of difficulty to take the time to think and not to fly through them too quickly, but to enjoy their solution.

Maxim Lebedev

If you also play in #PokemonCafe, join my team. Let's feed Snorlaks together! ✊

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