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884 posts total
Maxim Lebedev

Лошадка на белку похожа


Maxim Lebedev

Четырнадцатое место из двадцати трёх. Было весело, хотя за вопрос про геншин в финале я могу поставить викторине только семь из десяти.

Maxim Lebedev

#PlayStation or #XBox?

Anonymous poll


Steam Deck
7 people voted.
Voting ended 17 Nov 2023 at 18:29.
Maxim Lebedev

Today is day one of no masturbation.

Maxim Lebedev

Это я поясняю за свой движок который разрабатываю в режиме марафона последние три дня

Maxim Lebedev

My brain are melting a bit from tonight working on my #homepage engine. Now it not only renders pages from #markdown, but also serve static via templates with special functions:

Starting today, you are free to break and #hack this:

I don't have 100% confidence in the #security of what I've been able to write in a couple days, so I'd welcome any feedback on holes found at the mail address in the footer.

#Go #Golang #IndieWeb #100DaysOfIndieWeb

My brain are melting a bit from tonight working on my #homepage engine. Now it not only renders pages from #markdown, but also serve static via templates with special functions:

Starting today, you are free to break and #hack this:

lil5 :golang: 🌱

@toby3d Have you considered using a package like gin to help with the web server stuff?

I wrote a post here on my findings on other GoLang projects:

If you want someone to look at your code you’ll need to add some readme’s and point them to a specific part of the codebase.

Maxim Lebedev

I didn't have to change anything in the code, I just put the #CSS files in a static/ directory next to the #markdown pages and referenced them in the templates. It just works™️

#Go #Golang

Maxim Lebedev

Today is day one of no masturbation.

Maxim Lebedev

Also, many-many-many thanks to @Merovius for this post:

This hack has made me rethink my whole router working, making my life so much easier at times.

Maxim Lebedev

А кем бы ты хотел быть?

Anonymous poll


Мышкой полевой
Мышью городской
6 people voted.
Voting ended 15 Nov 2023 at 12:49.
Maxim Lebedev

В эту игру я начал играть около десяти лет назад, параллельно с #TheBindingOfIssac на #Flash и #LittleInferno когда работал продавцом дисков в ларьке. Она успела обновиться ремастером и разок потерять сохранения сюжетной кампании. Но я всё равно возвращался раз-два в год чтобы убить немного времени и позалипать. Только что я её прошёл, ушла эпоха.

#FaerieSolitaire #Steam

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