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956 posts total
Maxim Lebedev

I suspect I won't see anything but 🦗 in the comments, but I'll try anyway: throw in your favorite classics, orchestral and not so much. Neoclassical is also okay, as long as it has only live instruments. I'm interested in it for practical purposes of broadening my horizons and imitation in some project.

#music #orchestra #classic #neoclassic

Maxim Lebedev

Так какой год был, не понимаю

#Хабр #Хабрахабр

Заголовок публикации "Сложный был год" с индикатором сложности "Простой"
bouncepaw 🍄

@toby3d делегировать силосам типа либерапея и бусти отказываешься?

Maxim Lebedev

Алсо, #ActivityPub тоже будет, но не прямо сейчас когда движок на временном поддомене. Не хочу чтобы на него случайно ссылались как на полноценного актора, а я потом всё сломаю переключением доменов.

Maxim Lebedev

I've completed "Mirage Maintenance" - Day 9 - Advent of Code 2023 #AdventOfCode

Maxim Lebedev

I just completed "Haunted Wasteland" - Day 8 - Advent of Code 2023 #AdventOfCode




Ведь остаётся валидный токен сгенерированный клиентом который ничего об этом не знает.

Думаю, такие токены тоже должны протухать, причём очень быстро: минуты, может часы, но не больше.

Maxim Lebedev

I just completed "If You Give A Seed A Fertilizer" - Day 5 - Advent of Code 2023 #AdventOfCode

Maxim Lebedev

The good news is that after three days of tooth-grinding and a dozen tests from #reddit, I finally solved the third day's #AdventOfCode puzzle with numbers coordinates and surrounding symbols.

The bad news is that this puzzle, like any other, has a second, more complicated part.

David Brownman

@toby3d if you'd like a step-by-step walkthrough of each puzzle, I've been writing up those solutions on my site:

Maxim Lebedev

I'm not proud of it, but I got the right answer faster than the compiler timeout. So, technically, I did it.

#Golang #Go #AdventOfCode #programming

Screenshot of the source code of the test of solving the second part of the problem of the 5th day of Advent of Code in Golang. Below is the terminal with the successful result of the test launch, which took 209 seconds.
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