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Maxim Lebedev

The good news is that after three days of tooth-grinding and a dozen tests from , I finally solved the third day's puzzle with numbers coordinates and surrounding symbols.

The bad news is that this puzzle, like any other, has a second, more complicated part.

David Brownman

@toby3d if you'd like a step-by-step walkthrough of each puzzle, I've been writing up those solutions on my site:

Maxim Lebedev

I'm not proud of it, but I got the right answer faster than the compiler timeout. So, technically, I did it.

Tyler Mumford

@toby3d What do you mean by compiler timeout?

Maxim Lebedev

@tylermumford The compiler has a default timeout for running tests of ten minutes, which can be overridden by a flag. If the limit is reached, the copilator will panic, force stop the process and the remaining tests will be marked as failed.

Tyler Mumford

@toby3d Ah, thanks, I forgot about that.

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