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@rstevens Can't sleep, milkwalker will eat me.

brendan (ジャンク品)

@rstevens i forgot about milkwalker, but i know my full name, address, city, and home telephone number so at least im safe


Welcome to deep cover secret agent school.

Today, were going to cover how important it is you remember your secret identity...

Have you all brought your milk cartons?

rstevens πŸ³πŸ’¨βœ…

Umberto Eco uses 50% less fuel and 30% less packaging than regular Umberto

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Toby Inkster

Umberto Eco was very good. It's a shame they discontinued it in 2016.


@rstevens and still has 100% of confusing classical references! πŸ˜…

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