I ported the timer example in the Smalltalk-80 image into this sort of super cozy pseudo object-oriented #uxntal. Someone's discarded plastic flowerpots, is someone else's excellent worklight lampshades.
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Our plans for the summer are coming into focus. It looks like we'll depart early, head as far north as we can make it, and see if the boat and its crew can weather the cold. This ought to give us taste of what we might expect would we decide to make it further into the arctic next year.
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It's hard not to make parallels between this and legacy interface implementation code. Fathy’s 1969 work, ”Architecture for the Poor,” became a standard text in architectural classrooms, inspiring a generation of builders trying to solve acute housing shortages and exploding populations of the Third World. It has been translated into 22 languages – but never into Arabic. He struggled without success to convince Egyptian peasants that mud brick, a traditional building material in Egypt, is preferable to concrete.
A group of Finnish settlers founded the village in 1901 after rowing north from Nanaimo. They planned to set up a utopian socialist society known as the Kalevan Kansa, and wrote to visionary Matti Kurikka in Finland to lead the new community. They were looking for a way out of the mines operated by the Dunsmuir family on Vancouver Island. SV Bosun Bird's notes on sailing through Johnstone Strait.
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Pushed a little fix to uxnasm and drifblim that corrects an issue with appending methods to previously declared uxntal objects. docs: https://wiki.xxiivv.com/site/uxntal_scope And in time, there will come a generation that had got beyond facts, beyond impressions, a generation absolutely colourless, a generation "seraphically free from taint of personality," which will see the French Revolution not as it happened, nor as they would like it to have happened, but as it would have happened, had it taken place in the days of the Machine. Have you read David Abram's _The Spell of the Sensous_? It's a really good take on the need to add the phenomenological lens to our conceptions of reality. A life-altering book. @neauoire preparing my treatise on Devine Lu Linvega's quoting of E. M. Forster. It'll probably go a little like "Since Linvega deliberately avoided adding any commentary of his own, we must not only content ourselves with the layout of the page, the indentation of the quote and the fonts chosen, but also with the absence of any hues, a choice that starkly frames the quote in its original black-and-white, leaving us to contemplate Forster’s words as they are, unadorned and undisturbed." I found the launching of programs a bit jarring so I've added a transition effect. 🌄
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@neauoire One thing I am afraid of, is that at some moment you would decide that you have proven everything there is to prove in this area and just move on, disappearing from my bubble... Development environment, checked. A game, checked. An editor, checked. Music creation, graphics, checked. Self modifying applications, checked. I suppose that growing complexity is not your goal itself, but the challenges are... What big ideas are still in the queue?...
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So, @rek drew a flying Potato, in the style of Afterdark, that wipes the screen for Potato OS. Resumed working on PotatoOS, a tiny 15kb operating system to help with uxn systems without a host file manager. I forgot how fun it was to customize the system's assets with the tile editor.
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I made it so Potato OS themes can be exported and customized by simply changing the pixels in an image. |
@neauoire I was thinking to myself "This was directed by Francisco Goya, wasn't it", and immediately after that the puppet head and body pantomimed Saturn Devouring his Son