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83 posts total
hkc (carbonated 𡿢喾鹄啡鹳𒅭) :nk:
I absolutely love the fact that the official Fedi instance of Linux kernel is running Akkoma and not Mastodon

Though I doubt it's gonna change the situation with "Fedi is Mastodon"
hkc (carbonated 𡿢喾鹄啡鹳𒅭) :nk:

For those who’s running #Caddy on their fedi instances, I recommend adding this into your site section:

@cloudspyware {
    header_regexp User-Agent (?i)Wildebeest
respond @cloudspyware 403 {
    body "Go fuck yourself"

If there’s any way to make it in one block, let me know!

hkc (carbonated 𡿢喾鹄啡鹳𒅭) :nk:

welcome to Linux!

Here we have:

DaemonsForksLiteral hell (systemd)Tainted kernelDying children
hkc (carbonated 𡿢喾鹄啡鹳𒅭) :nk:
sorry fellas, i think i'm leaving fedi

main reason why i even decided to run this instance is because of my dear friend @⁢diamond that in the end just decided to leave it because of me. you still can contact me on tg if you wanna, everything is on the

sorry if i caused harm to anyone while being here, insulted or offended someone while being here in the course of almost a year.

instance will go down in a week, if things won't get better

again, i'm sorry. goodbye(?)
sorry fellas, i think i'm leaving fedi

main reason why i even decided to run this instance is because of my dear friend @⁢diamond that in the end just decided to leave it because of me. you still can contact me on tg if you wanna, everything is on the
hkc (carbonated 𡿢喾鹄啡鹳𒅭) :nk:

not many people know, but -F flag for iptables stands for “Fuck up my rules please”

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