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83 posts total
hkc (carbonated 𡿢喾鹄啡鹳𒅭) :nk:

You know what’s worse than updating Arch after a month?

Updating Debian after 3 years.


> You know what’s worse than updating Arch after a month?

fixed ​:blobcatgoogly:​

hkc (carbonated 𡿢喾鹄啡鹳𒅭) :nk:
Today is the day: my first audio issues on Linux.

Audio does not work in headphones anymore, but speakers do work. I'm using pipewire+pulse, it was working fine literally yesterday!
hkc (carbonated 𡿢喾鹄啡鹳𒅭) :nk:


hkc (carbonated 𡿢喾鹄啡鹳𒅭) :nk:
So here's the situation: I have a couple close friends in Poland and I really wanna visit them someday, preferably as soon as possible, but no earlier than a year. A couple minutes of googling lead me to an unfortunate conclusion that I can't just get international passport & visa and get here for a couple days or a week or two. Reason being is that while borders are technically open, you can't go here unless you either have a family, or you work here or study. Second one is somewhat feasible, but is pretty difficult anyways. Third one too, but there's still a pretty low chance.
So I'm wondering, is there at least some way for me to get here to meet them?
Also, I'm not quite sure if they're selectively banning residents of specific countries, because yes, I live in russia, which is apparently universally hated now.
If there is a way to do that, please tell me, it would make a world for me
So here's the situation: I have a couple close friends in Poland and I really wanna visit them someday, preferably as soon as possible, but no earlier than a year. A couple minutes of googling lead me to an unfortunate conclusion that I can't just get international passport & visa and get here for a couple days or a week or two. Reason being is that while borders are technically open, you can't go here unless you either have a family, or you work here or study. Second one is somewhat feasible, but...
hkc (carbonated 𡿢喾鹄啡鹳𒅭) :nk:

/me watching my free disk space slowly going down as `docker compose up` downloads even more `node_modules`

hkc (carbonated 𡿢喾鹄啡鹳𒅭) :nk:
> docker logs -f ass-docker

> ass@0.14.2 prestart
> npm run engine-check

> ass@0.14.2 engine-check
> node dist/checkEngine.js

// Wanted: >=16.14.x (npm >=8.3.x)
2023-03-30T16:24:02.620+00:00 [UTILS]    Node: v16.19.1
2023-03-30T16:24:02.697+00:00 [SUCCESS]  Node & npm version requirements satisfied!

> ass@0.14.2 start
> node dist/ass.js

Mar 30, 2023, 4:24 PM [DEBUG]    Plugin enabled: Express
Illegal instruction (core dumped)


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