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17 posts total
Macdonald Duck Eclair
"Чебурашка 3D" - это наш ответ "Сонику в кино".
Не знаю, если честно. Не смотрел ни первое, ни второе. Но выскажу своё мнение, как человека, не особо искушённого в кинематографе.
Я почему-то на 100% уверен, что Джим Керри в роли доктора Эггмана (слева) сыграл лучше, чем Гармаш в роли крокодила Гены (справа).
#ru #rf
Kurator Peaceful

@Resident_Evil это либо ошибка либо смешно.

Macdonald Duck Eclair
People can't understand, "le White Race", "Peoplekind", "Proletarian struggle" are the things, the simulacra, distracting people from their personal experience given in sensations and their identity given them by their family and environment. Instead of spending their time with loved ones or with God (if they believe in him), they bitch about things, which don't exist.
White race, mankind, working class and so on are less real than individuals.
#libertarianism #voluntaryism #russiatoday #blm #socialism #fediblock #ru #rf #conservative #rightwing #npc
People can't understand, "le White Race", "Peoplekind", "Proletarian struggle" are the things, the simulacra, distracting people from their personal experience given in sensations and their identity given them by their family and environment. Instead of spending their time with loved ones or with God (if they believe in him), they bitch about things, which don't exist.
Macdonald Duck Eclair
> Akchyually, dear atheists, science is just a tool to improve engineering, which would let market have more, better and more diverse goods just to please average person's basic needs letting him not be distracted from spending more time with his family and with God, who might not actually exist but still be a meme uniting peoples and communities, also improving their evolutional adaptability to the agressive environment, which cannot be said about godless hedonists, oscillating between depression and euphoria from coomin'
> Akchyually, dear atheists, science is just a tool to improve engineering, which would let market have more, better and more diverse goods just to please average person's basic needs letting him not be distracted from spending more time with his family and with God, who might not actually exist but still be a meme uniting peoples and communities, also improving their evolutional adaptability to the agressive environment, which cannot be said about godless hedonists, oscillating between depression...
Macdonald Duck Eclair
#ru #rf #rusmeme
> like and share if you too welcome Pynia's (Putin) plan to replace Russians with Tajiks to make Russia's homicidal rate just like in Europe, not sub-saharan Africa
Macdonald Duck Eclair
Goluboi Ogoniok (Blue Twinkle) and Goluboie Salo (Blue Lard) have something in common. And I'm not talking about their "blue" part.
Both of these cultural phenomena are like some kind of idiotically insane carnival, waking up from which just brings you in some other deranged insane dream. But the first one is state sponsored event shown on TV every New Year, and the second one is a postmodernist novel deconstructing all those degraded demential dreams of totalitarianism with handsome leader of soviet people Stalin having sex with count Khrushyov and after that visiting his old friend Hitler, with whom he divided the whole Europe and nuked Britain after that.
#ru #rf
Goluboi Ogoniok (Blue Twinkle) and Goluboie Salo (Blue Lard) have something in common. And I'm not talking about their "blue" part.
Both of these cultural phenomena are like some kind of idiotically insane carnival, waking up from which just brings you in some other deranged insane dream. But the first one is state sponsored event shown on TV every New Year, and the second one is a postmodernist novel deconstructing all those degraded demential dreams...
Macdonald Duck Eclair
I hope, God will pity the people of post-USSR and punish post-commies ruling Russia. And every Russian despite his ethnicity, beliefs, religion and so on will finally become a citizen of a free country with real (con)federalism, free market, courts, parliaments, civil rights, opportunities, the founding principles of liberal democracies and libertarian ideals.
I wish liberty and freedom to choose your own destiny for every person of our globe.
No metanarratives, only individual and unique lifestyles. Equality in diversity of peoples' lifestyles.
I hope, this will be one of the many steps across the world, how we, people of the world, finally get into 21st century, leaving sad and horrible story of 20th century behind.
Peace upon you all. Happy orthodox Christmas.
#ru #rf #ua #christmas #orthodox #libertarianism #liberty #peace
I hope, God will pity the people of post-USSR and punish post-commies ruling Russia. And every Russian despite his ethnicity, beliefs, religion and so on will finally become a citizen of a free country with real (con)federalism, free market, courts, parliaments, civil rights, opportunities, the founding principles of liberal democracies and libertarian ideals.
Macdonald Duck Eclair
Sometimes I imagine a post-human future, in which post-humans instead of consciousness have GPT and genetic algorithm for generating morality and intentions based on the words from a dictionary perpetually growing because of the word generator based on the RNG.
These creatures evolve and struggle to prove their right for survival and place under the Dyson Sphere or something.
Macdonald Duck Eclair
After all, #fediblock is not as bad as I thought.

It's a really funny thing
Macdonald Duck Eclair
Haruhi Suzumia is actually an abusing Demiurge, the false sinful god, who took a form of a young girl for his perverted pleasures of the flesh.
Kyon is someone like a Truman from a Truman's Show, a trapped aeon, who will never escape the Demiurge's realm unless he finds the Gnosys.
And others are just pathetic puppets, whose "powers" are just something given by the Demiurge and could be easily taken back. They maybe want to help Kyon but they can't, because Demiurge's bits of flesh tiying parts of the material realm, he can see and hear everything, and the slightest disobedience will reduce them back to ash, what they really are.
Or maybe Haruhi will prepare for them the fate worse than death.
Haruhi Suzumia is actually an abusing Demiurge, the false sinful god, who took a form of a young girl for his perverted pleasures of the flesh.
Kyon is someone like a Truman from a Truman's Show, a trapped aeon, who will never escape the Demiurge's realm unless he finds the Gnosys.
Macdonald Duck Eclair
People who unironically use #fediblock (except for shitposting) should be put on the #mutelist
Macdonald Duck Eclair
You are distributist, aren't you? Do you think, big corporate high-tech production chains could be replaced by a number of small firms acting independently from each other?
I heard, Taiwan has something like that, but I don't get how they did this.
Macdonald Duck Eclair
Да когда же бриташки там все перемёрзнут без российского газа?
Wait... Oh shi~
Macdonald Duck Eclair
And the shit like that is common in Russia. Several years ago I read about one random apartment home is Siberia, entrance of which was barred by a stalactite made of literally shit and piss - canalization was probably ceased to function and this "natural structure" has been growing for several months if not years, and people couldn't do anything about it because they lived in a country, in which you have owe everything to the state, and the state owes you nothing.
Macdonald Duck Eclair
Обычно люди, которые защищают рашку, помойную Z-"Империю", являются дегенеративными жирножопыми вырожденцами, которые боятся лишний раз на улицу выходить, дабы косо не смотрели.
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