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3 posts total
Ralph Brandi

Outdoor Dining

They did this even before COVID. Hasselblad 500cm, Carl Zeiss Distagon 50mm f/4, Kodak Ultra Color 400UC (expired October 2005), ECN-2 development.


Ralph Brandi


Another raindrop. Nikon F3HP, Arista Premium 400 (rebadged Kodak Tri-X), Rodinal 1:50.


Ralph Brandi

Shoal Harbor — Stereo

I recently bought a Sputnik, a stereo camera made in the Soviet Union back in the bad old days. For my first roll through it, I went out yesterday and loaded it with Ilford FP4+. It was a gray, rainy day. Developed in Rodinal 1:50. You have to kind of defocus to view in 3D.

#ShittyCameraChallenge #BelieveInFilm

wakest ⁂

@thereisnocat this is really great! analog 3d photography is something I focused on for a long time, and its awesome to see this show up in my feed today

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