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4 posts total
Parker Higgins

i don't know what a collected language is but whatever it is how dare you call python a garbage one

Parker Higgins

this shitpost brought to you by my watching this genuinely entertaining and educational talk about Scalene and measuring python performance

Parker Higgins

i wrote a little script to extract three word phrases from moby dick where the third word is a tld, and i've found some delightful possible instance names in here

Parker Higgins

like for under $40 a year you could be tooting from

Parker Higgins

The story is a little complicated but last night I discovered my server had been locking up and crashing for hours and I was finally able to trace the issue back to a DMCA notice I'd gotten on Twitter

Parker Higgins

I've been realizing lately that my fascination with generativity is kind of about brute-forcing aesthetics, and how that's sort of a technoutopian stance

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