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26 posts total
Andy Piper

There’s no website for Bluesky, right, it’s just a mobile app? Among the many reasons I’ve barely touched it or found it interesting so far.

Tim Chambers

@andypiper I have yet to see one user facing feature there not in discussion at ActivityPub or MastoDev communities - Am I missing something?

Andy Piper

Note we've now moved fedidocs -> fedidevs (there's a redirect in place)

hamish campbell


Have you noticed this is exactly what the 5-year-old is about - can you explain what this new space adds please?

Hope you can help, as It's hard to see this #nothingnew #blocking #NGO

Andy Piper

Watching @tchambers (and team) doing some super interesting and informative work on the growth of the #Fediverse and #Mastodon - this looks extremely interesting, and looks to become a quarterly update 👀 (also, if you're interested in this space, follow him!)

Andy Piper

particularly valuable quote in there from @nilay_patel "all the action is on Mastodon. That is where the app developers are, the platform is accelerating, and the underlying fediverse boundaries are growing".

This, to me, is absolutely key. Many of the things that made Twitter, Twitter, came from the developer ecosystem - having a vibrant ecosystem around #ActivityPub, #MastodonAPI and #Pixelfed and others can be instrumental for future growth and diversification of the communities.

Andy Piper

Anyone from the #podcast #podcasting community using any specific #Fediverse services or tools? I’m aware that eg Castopod exists (I’ve not tried it out yet… have you?) - basically I’m curious to learn how creators and podcasters 🎙️ navigate and share content 🎧 in the ActivityPub landscape? Open to chat and learn here! please boost for reach 🙏🏻

Darius Kazemi

@andypiper my RSS to ActivityPub bridge is designed to display podcast feeds nicely, with embedded audio in the post so you can listen from your client if you want

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