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161 posts total
lainoid the omniscient
I know it’s hard for people to believe that I wrote some cool software and I’m also chill, based, relaxed and frankly very good looking, but some people just have it all.
lainoid the omniscient
mis, dis and mal, the information brothers
lainoid the omniscient
i think a ballet adaption of Blame! could really work well
lainoid the omniscient
one thing
i don't know why
it doesn't even matter how hard you try
lainoid the omniscient
> go to living room
> hear 'chipi chipi chapa chapa'
> wife is watching chipi chapa 10 hours youtube video
> leave living room
lainoid the omniscient
don't want to be the guy who all the sudo incidents are reported to
lainoid the omniscient
Alright, I did set up a fedi containment instance especially for generative art, feel free to sign up.

Follow me on @lain and feel free to make an account there.

The url is, but you an use it for non-diffusion art or AI stuff too.
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