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14 posts total

> It doesn't matter if I make a dozen "how to disable recall" tutorials. The second YOUR data shows up on someone ELSE'S screen, it's in THEIR recall database.

this has nothing to do with microsoft recall! anybody you send stuff to can have it compromised. you message your high school friend, she gets caught at a protest, now cops have all that data

you can never control the data you give to somebody else, recall or not

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Dismal Manor Gang

@whitequark @soller
How about drag races for an hour? That big yellow dog is not me. I was clocked at 35+ by the gentleman with the radar gun.

Pavel Valach :unverified: :donor:

@whitequark You build connections with people which you trust that they can control the data, and you educate the rest so that you can trust them. That is the only real solution.


@whitequark it's funny to think in my colleagues when they come to my computer, enter a password and I always choose to don't look to the keyboard. with "recall" I will not have more shame, thanks bug brother!!


Can you answer this simple question about the C programming language?

$ cat test.c
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() { printf("%d\n", strlen("\x01c")); }
$ cc test.c && ./a.out

What number does this program print?

Anonymous poll


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431 people voted.
Voting ended 9 May at 2:37.
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@whitequark i knew it was a trick question, but i didn't see how


@whitequark If you have syntax highlight it makes it obvious


@whitequark C does not define the exact width of a byte. A char (read: byte) must be at least 8 bits wide, but can be as wide as the implementation wants. So if you have 12-bit chars and want to specify their values using \x, two hexadecimal digits won’t be enough. And saying “all following digits are part of the number” is easier for both the specification and the programmer than saying “the number of digits is ceil(CHAR_BIT/4).” In theory, in a world where you actually have systems with CHAR_BIT ≠ 8.


remember that bill gates joke where an audience member for a presentation of a new voice-controlled microsoft os whispered "format c: enter" to it?

well, it's no longer a joke

Thorn Avery 🥀

@whitequark saw an article / paper that was like “major security flaw found in llms, llms allow remote code execution from single emails” and it was literally like, someone had set up an llm to scrape every email they recieved and also given it shell access to do things in response to the emails and I was sitting there thinking like…

What did you expect to happen?

Graham Sutherland / Polynomial

@whitequark why on earth are they giving LLMs a mechanism to execute code or commands in the first place? it's not like they're free agents magically exhibiting this as emergent behaviour.


6G will be the last wireless network generation which doubles as an ASME-recognized welding position


passkeys are great i love having an authentication mechanism that doesn't support Linux unless you have an Android phone with a recent version of Android and a Google account tied to it

Site Reliability Enby🏳️‍⚧️🏁🔦📈🐺👗

@whitequark What are passkeys in this context? Is this *yet another* embrace/extend/extinguish from google?

Edit: Yup, of course it is...


@whitequark Passkeys/WebAuthn does work on external FIDO2 compliant keys with a PIN code set. Firefox 114 explicitly added support for this on Linux (

I think the issue is that there is no standard place yet to store passkeys besides that. On Windows, Windows Hello is used while iCloud Keychain is used on macOS. There are techically some external solutions like Bitwarden or 1Password, although I’m not sure how well they work yet.


catherine: routinely gets a panic attack if someone mentions a 3d printer issue in the vicinity
catherine's headmate, who probably made a pact with the Mechanical Devil: converts her 3d printer to print with two materials instead of one, for like $30 worth of parts, in two days, having designed it from scratch. what the hell


this system uses two extruders: one direct drive (stock) and one bowden (bolted to the side). this is apparently important for something

doesn't blob on tool change, doesn't jam too often, uses a complicated system of gcode macros to track the state of material multiplexing unit so that the slicer can issue a single command and have it ready (other than purging), requires only a few screws and a pneumatic fitting to assemble


looking at ts101 marketing materials & i guess i have to buy one now


did someone at miniware discover the concept of "electronics catgirls"

Ignas Kiela it only now struck me that we are incredibly lucky that the metric/imperial divide ended just before wide use of electricity. Just imagine how horrible it would be to have imperial voltage and metric voltage


you are a catgirl because you want to appear cute and pettable and to have an owner who feeds you and plays with you

i am a catgirl because i have claws and i will not hesitate to use them

we are not the same


you know that local stray who singletoothedly halved the local bird population, has a few dozen scars (mostly from fighting other cats that are bigger than her), annoys you by being incredibly loud at night, and remains unspayed because no one in the vicinity even thinks of attempting to catch her?

i'm that kind of catgirl.


type of girl who calls anything she does not like about herself "bpd";
type of girl who calls anything she doesn't like about others "bpd"


if you consider GPT-based agents and their principals lifeforms, then the niche that makes the most sense is probably parasitism: mimic streams of data that are valuable well enough that it would take more resources to detect the mimicry than to acquiesce to it

i'll leave the reader to make any conclusions from biological parallels themselves


the future of social media is infinitely many ChatGPT instances arguing increasingly fine points of whether "bi lesbians" exist, forever


russian diaspora in united states: three million
hollywood film circulation: pervasive and worldwide
russian in hollywood films: indecipherable nonsense

russian diaspora in japan: six thousand
anime circulation: evanescent
russian in anime: grammatically correct, nice handwriting, and speech with only a little accent


russian diaspora in united states: three million
hollywood film circulation: pervasive and worldwide
russian in hollywood films: indecipherable nonsense

russian diaspora in japan: six thousand
anime circulation: evanescent
russian in anime: grammatically correct, nice handwriting, and speech with only a little accent

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