6 posts total
Is there any good free and open source invoice generator + time tracking software other than Invoice Ninja? Invoice Ninja keeps ignoring my accessibility settings and I'm tired of it. @anna Not anything specific, but often bigger companies have regional dev rel positions, so searching for "developer relations LATAM" can find stuff like this https://developerrelations.com/jobs/devrel-engineer-platformsh Creating a new Apple ID and downloading the first few apps is still a pain the ass. I think the worst part is getting to the point you can finally download apps without being forced to type your password every single time. I miss New Pipe. But this will probably make me watch YouTube videos on my laptop instead of resorting to my phone every single time. Maybe I need a break from YouTube altogether. It's weird how many of the apps I use (especially banking apps) seem to perform better on iOS? And are more consistent, too? I definitely get some "We prioritize iOS over Android" vibes from some companies. People who touch type: do you keep all your fingers except your thumbs on the home row? Can you type "the way it's supposed to" (moving every finger in a specific direction to access all the keys) or do you type in a different way? 💡 Tip: if you're on Android 10, you can activate a quick settings tile on Developer options that shuts off all sensors. https://source.android.com/devices/sensors/sensors-off |