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2 posts total
f.rift :fire_blue:

Unfortunately the xkcd "alt text" is, rather than an alt text, an additional component of the joke which doesn't make sense without the picture. You Had One Job, Dude.

f.rift :fire_blue:

Because of how much current geek culture is embodied in, and referenced via, xkcd comics, this is a rather larger issue than it would initially seem.

f.rift :fire_blue:

Tell me your daydream... of a data device, a second brain, an exocortex, a pocket companion, wholely under your control. What does it look like? What does it do?


@feonixrift something like a paper notepad (maybe a tablet) but with multiple inputs (voice note, handwriting, typing etc) and that can dynamically index words used to link related notes. I dont want to have to fuss with organization of notes because ethat hinders me from actually making notes.
I would also like it to have a matte otlr eink screen so that a pen feels similar to paper and it can be used in broad daylight.

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