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1,809 posts total
TSource Engine Query
With fedi I forgot how to talk in other online communities

Fedi is much more comfier, and the amount of normies is much lesser here.
TSource Engine Query
dunno what happens in UK politics right now but good luck my friends

I know this picture is old, the context of it:
Some UK politician woman holding a piece of paper with Lily from Zombieland Saga printed on it saying "Shut the fuck up, TERF"
TSource Engine Query
if you export the default cube from blender and put it into the game, it becomes GameCube
@a1ba Из-за этой логики после игры в Паранойю я стал параноиком
TSource Engine Query
if piracy isn't buying
then owning isn't stealing

TSource Engine Query

And also, please stop using inches, pounds, feet, acres, yards and other [redacted] units. Use SI.

And stop MM DD YYYY nonsense too. Thank you very much.


And also, please stop using inches, pounds, feet, acres, yards and other [redacted] units. Use SI.

TSource Engine Query
you know your censorship circumvention tool is good

when it's developer barely speaks english and has anime avatar
Artificial Stupidity

@a1ba я уже и забыл что 1го апреля было недавно, забавные биты)

TSource Engine Query
How MyAnimeList backend software is called?

TSource Engine Query


who even need portals in a portal game when you can be a spider man
TSource Engine Query
happy rendermode = kRenderTrans{Texture,Alpha,Color,Add} renderamt = 255 day
TSource Engine Query
K in KDE means Kotaq

(do not translate)
@a1ba хуёвое рабочее окружение получилось
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