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6 posts total
Dave 🧱 :cursor_pointer:

@jenn @samhenrigold telling my grandchildren this is what the new years ball drop actually was

jenn schiffer

the model for building upon mastodon appears to be “fuck around and find out” which is wasteful and distressing for most (ex. search tools) but i feel like that’s pretty normal for relatively newly broken ground. how can the community document these lessons so we can at some point evolve from this era before i start eating my own organs, though

jenn schiffer

how do we connect the people with good ideas with the ones who have the time and tools to implement them - the Venn diagram there is NOT a full circle like some of y’all think it is

jenn schiffer

the norms around what "content warnings" are and how they are used on here before the great twitter migration is fundamentally different from how "content warning" is used elsewhere and it's clear the name is a big part of the problem. i'm glad there's a discussion to make that difference clear and also i anticipate a universal understanding of it all to occur in about 15 years

jenn schiffer

this is a great lesson for building software for communities and moderating them: social norms "debt" is front and center ahead of tech debt. are people using a product feature in a way that was not intended, and what risks are ahead if that's not addressed through policy/product change?

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