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4 posts total
Jonne Arjoranta πŸ“š

"It’s not enough for people to prevent animals in captivity from experiencing bodily pain and discomfort, he said. 'We also have to provide them with the kinds of enrichment and opportunities that allow them to express their instincts and explore their environments and engage in social systems and otherwise be the kinds of complex agents they are.'”

Alex Schroeder

@jaranta I loved this quote: "We have much more in common with other animals than we do with things like ChatGPT." That bitter-sweet feeling when I'm wavering between "what a silly comparison to make" and "maybe some people do need the reminder…"

Jonne Arjoranta πŸ“š

– Hey baby, did it hurt?
– What?
– When you realized that God is dead, and you alone are responsible for creating meaning in your life, but you are not great enough for the task?

Jonne Arjoranta πŸ“š

Using LaTeX feels more like magic than programming. You consult occult tomes for the correct invocations until you manage to manifest the result you wanted.

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