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4 posts total
Kit Rhett Aultman

@ajroach42 just got around to loading New Ellijay TV on my Roku, and it's spectacular! I'm already looking forward to being a supporter!
Everyone else reading this, go check out

Kit Rhett Aultman

One of the things most interesting about exploring retrocomputing is exploring how our relationship to computers changed as the technology improved and the computer displaced other aspects of life. 1/

Kit Rhett Aultman

When I think about a "minimal daily life" computer, often looking back to the last non-PC pre-Internet machines like the Apple iigs and the Amiga, it rapidly becomes apparent how a "minimal daily life" machine doesn't even fit the metaphors of those machines because they were tailored to be *part* of daily life and not *the center of* daily life. 2/

Kit Rhett Aultman

TIL that there is no formula for the exact perimeter of an ellipse, but that you could make an arbitrarily close approximation of a formula for the perimeter of a *given* ellipse, and that such a formula would depend on the sum of an infinite series.

TIL that this is technically how we have a formula for the perimeter of a circle, but don't notice the messiness because the circle's "axes" are of equal length and thus a single sum of an infinite series works. We call it "pi" to keep it unmessy.

Darius Kazemi

@roadriverrail circle: a very specific and commonly occuring ellipse

Kit Rhett Aultman

Posting selfies over here is a real challenge. Phone cameras tend to record the photo's orientation in the EXIF, which Mastodon doesn't seem to use (and actively seems to strip). And yes, I want to post selfies. I'm in that "I understand why people take selfies now" phase of #gender euphoria. #enby

Darius Kazemi

@roadriverrail FYI Mastodon 3.1.4 fixed the orientation bug!

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