Have unused/new #Fairphone EarBuds (old edition) to sell at #GPN22. More information here: Unused/new #Fairphone EarBuds (old edition) to sell at #GPN22. More information here: Have unused/new #Fairphone EarBuds (old edition) to sell at #GPN22. More information here: Unused/new #Fairphone EarBuds (old edition) to sell at #GPN22. More information here: @rugk wenn alte Straßenbahnen Dich interessieren dann guck mal nach dem historischen Depot 1913 in der Moltkestraße. https://tsnv.de/ Ich bin gerade in ICE 1556 nach Frankfurt(Main)Hbf für #gpn22! #NowTräwelling https://traewelling.de/status/2707843 Cool video on how a Bitcoin software wallet worth $3 million secured by a 20 digit password has been hacked successfully. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5IySpAkThg > What if I told you that we could hack time to recover over $3 million in Bitcoin from a software wallet that's been locked since 2013? There is also an article on Golem.de about it if you rather wanna read it (in German). When the newspaper editor just says “fuck it.” “The bar for what is regarded as a “shitshow” in Britain has been raised substantially since the 2016 referendum” 🤣 @nazgul we really ought to create some kind of union in Europe, which would allow free movement across borders for all European citizens, so we could get rid of all this nonsense. I envision it could work as a trade union too, and handle cross border issues like climate change and consumer rights. I know it sounds revolutionary, but I really think it could work. @nazgul I went to London City the day after that referendum and was there for a week. It was like watching a nation implode. Every morning it was new chaos.
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@Pheebe "The European Parliament has strongly condemnedall forms of discrimination against LGBTI people, including LGBTI conversion 'therapies'. Moreover, it has also made repeated calls on the Member |
@rugk Wäre doch schade wenn wir da eine sinnvolle Lösung für hätten 🙃
@rugk Lass doch morgen mal treffen!
@rugk ohhh die waren wohl Teil dieses LED Fächers? Das Ding war äußerst hübsch anzusehen, hing direkt über meinem "Assembly" - danke für den Augenschmaus! ♥