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492 posts total

@lightone I'll copy as much as makes sense, except there will never be the ability to post as a community.

Also recently learned that the way friend requests work in VK is confusing to those who never used it... Or I'm just bad at explaining things.


@lightone @strypey also Smithereen which I'm making. VKontakte-like social network written in Java (probably the first ever #ActivityPub implementation in Java) with friends and walls and photos and groups... Of which currently only friends and walls are implemented. Not quite ready enough and so not published anywhere yet, but I'm looking forward to it.


@Gargron Super Mario Odyssey is beyond amazing.


@garfiald @jojo jokes on them, I'll publish my ActivityPub implementation under The Unlicense. Can't acquire "intellectual rights" to something that's public domain.


@acka47 as far as I've seen in related github issues, this wasn't quite a "test suite". Rather, it was more of a form that you fill in about your AP implementation.


Today on "American companies keep trying to eradicate sex from the internet".


What happens if I link another toot in my toot? Will it display nicely?


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