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492 posts total

Now that I'm about to introduce another ActivityPub extension, I'm thinking that I should first write the documentation, and only then start with the code. This way I'll be forced to think through all the edge cases *before* any code is already written with all the wrong assumptions.


The posts from accounts I don't follow on Threads are getting ever more infuriating. They drown out the posts from people I do follow. Following someone seems to be merely a suggestion to them.

I'm not open to discovering new "content" from people I don't know, for fuck's sake. ActivityPub support can't come soon enough. I'll just follow everyone from my server and never open that app again.

( . )( . )

@grishka I believe it was predictable considering the amount of recommended content in ig and fb.


That whole "threadiverse" word, it hasn't aged well, has it


In the usual Meta style, the thing puts posts from people I don't follow into my feed


On the subject of Reddit API shutdown — why is adversarial interoperability not a thing any more? Why does everyone play by the rules these days?

Many years ago, ICQ was the most popular IM service around me, but almost no one used the crappy official clients. Most people have never even seen them. The protocol was reverse engineered and documented and the 3rd-party client scene flourished.

What happened to this attitude? Is it because of the mobile app stores?


@grishka i think for a lot of people the official apps are just fine.


@grishka can't use the protocol/API if it's authenticated and only returning information with the right token. The alternative is web scraping. But that's likely to fail even with UI changes.


@grishka, смотри, сейчас всё делается для юзеров Айфона. Вышла новая фича iOS = все приложения до релиза нового iPhone или iOS ещё в бета-версии ос делают эту фичу.

А что с Android: тот же Mir Pay только через 2-3 месяца после релиза свежей версии Android'а оптимизируют работу под эту ОС.

Или вот пример: Яндекс и ВКонтакте, в Android 13 Google кардинально поменяла плеер в статус-баре, а они до сих пор не адаптировали свои приложения под Android 13.

fperson :dartlang:

@grishka cute! Is this a super-nice coincidence, or was the original name influenced by the show?


This is the best Reddit post title I've seen in a while 🙃


Today's cursed idea: a converter from SWF to Android animated vector drawable


@grishka aren't SWF's vector graphics and animations basically bytecode for their VM? Would probably be simpler to use something more "imperative", like a Canvas.

Or just render it frame-by-frame with skia or cairo or whatever, getting an SVG, then convert that to VectorDrawable XMLs.

Travis F W

@grishka omg that face. What a guilt trip. What did you do!?


when the subreddit blackout goes so well that even the front page becomes private


Made a thing. Now THAT'S what I call "material design".

(cc @samhenrigold @dlx)

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Internet Hedgehog

@grishka @samhenrigold @dlx this is NOT what I meant when I said "I want Windows Phone back"


More ideas of what can be done with these new APIs:
- Floating Action Bubbles (with proper refraction of whatever is behind)
- Page curls like in pre-flat-curse iOS versions
- Stickers that look like actual stickers
- Noisy backgrounds & gradients
- All kinds of glows and shadows that aren't possible with setShadowLayer()
- Motion blur for fast scrolling so it feels smooth on 60 Hz screens
- Same for bottom sheets when they slide in and out
- Holographic stickers

@samhenrigold @dlx

More ideas of what can be done with these new APIs:
- Floating Action Bubbles (with proper refraction of whatever is behind)
- Page curls like in pre-flat-curse iOS versions
- Stickers that look like actual stickers
- Noisy backgrounds & gradients
- All kinds of glows and shadows that aren't possible with setShadowLayer()
- Motion blur for fast scrolling so it feels smooth on 60 Hz screens
- Same for bottom sheets when they slide in and out
- Holographic stickers


Rewrote the database connection management in #Smithereen. Used to be one connection per thread, now it's a global connection pool that grows and shrinks in response to load. What's more, it feels like pages load faster now! Didn't expect that.

#activitypub #mastodev


If you're using an Android phone, which Android version does it run?

I'm seeing a very unusual version distribution in Google Play for the Mastodon app — more then half (!!) of all users are already on Android 13. It's been out for less than a year! Meanwhile, 7 and 6 are 0.5% combined. This breaks every assumption about Android versions I've ever had during my entire career. My intuition tells me 10-11 should be most popular.

Let's prove or disprove it with this poll.

Anonymous poll


12 or newer
10 or 11
8 or 9
7 or older
56 people voted.
Voting ended 30 Apr 2023 at 7:39.

And it is kinda like this, 11 *is* the most popular according to *some* statistics:

⚛️Revertron :straight:

@grishka Maybe they just run Mastodon app in an emulator? ;)

teledyn 𓂀


Bleeding edge or go home? Or is it because we can't repair the old perfectly-viable device?

Here's a question: what was the last #Android update that gave you something you now couldn't live without?

I'd thought splitscreen was going to be super fab, until I tried to use it…


I just released #Smithereen 0.5.

This release brings lots of much-needed improvements:
- Federation is now more reliable thanks to retrying. Smithereen now also keeps track of federation errors and stops delivery to servers that are down.
- Reporting (Flag activity) is now supported. The corresponding moderation UI is very minimal for now, but that will improve in future versions.
- Long comment threads can now be paginated through and seen in their entirety.

#activitypub #mastodev

I just released #Smithereen 0.5.

This release brings lots of much-needed improvements:
- Federation is now more reliable thanks to retrying. Smithereen now also keeps track of federation errors and stops delivery to servers that are down.
- Reporting (Flag activity) is now supported. The corresponding moderation UI is very minimal for now, but that will improve in future versions.
- Long comment threads can now be paginated through and seen in their entirety.


One more thing I forgot: there's now support for federation blocking. Blocked domains are always publicly displayed in /system/about.

The next release will be even more important: I'll implement private messages and friends-/followers-only posts, at last! As far as federation is concerned, this will bring feature parity with Mastodon.


High-DPI displays are not an excuse to stop striving for pixel perfection.

⚛️Revertron :straight:

@grishka But for the font rendering I gave up pixel perfection long ago :(

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