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505 posts total

The worst thing about centralized social media is that the company not only gets to keep your data hostage, but also to control every aspect of its presentation.


- User list in the admin panel.
- UI to change the access levels for users.


Look, they've fixed the typography on this screen this time!


update. Admin panel now has its first tab, and you can now set the name, description, and contact email for your instance.


If this whole quarantine thing has taught me anything, it's the fact that internet isn't a substitute to real life. It doesn't come even close. Yes, it's a revolutionary invention. Yes, it literally changed my life, and multiple times at that. But I'm growing increasingly tired of everything being online and generally in the spirit of "like the real thing except you stay at home". NO. I've had enough. I want my real life back. I hated staying at home and working remotely even before the virus.

Puppy, MLIS

@grishka I never realized how much I would miss just the daily basic social interaction I have with coworkers. people i felt like i just tolerated now seem very dear to me


Small update. I'm now rid of one more annoyance: direct links to comments now redirect to the top-level post page where the linked comment is highlighted. Comments still open on separate pages with JS disabled to make it possible to reply to them, but now there's a link to navigate to the top-level post, too.


@grishka Гриш, чисто визуально: если открыть коммент на новой вкладке, очень не хватает видимого разделителя поста и комментариев. Кажется, как будто несвязные посты.


update: improved profile pictures.
- You can now select a square region while uploading one.
- Regardless of that, your profile will still show the full, non-square version, VK-style.
- You can now delete your profile picture.

TODO: figure out how to expose these in objects.


See a live example in my profile on my test instance @grishka

It's certainly starting to look like the real thing.


> figure out how to expose these in ActivityPub objects.

@grishka probably the full one is the Object's image property and the other is the icon. However I think that mastodon is using the image as a "cover photo".


- You can now specify your birth date and gender. (there will be birthday reminders at some point)
- There are now proper placeholders for profile pictures.
- The profile pictures themselves now have overlaid borders, looks better with those that have a light background. (this took me too long to figure out, CSS is weird)

- You can now specify your birth date and gender. (there will be birthday reminders at some point)
- There are now proper placeholders for profile pictures.
- The profile pictures themselves now have overlaid borders, looks better with those that have a light background. (this took me too long to figure out, CSS is weird)


update. One less frustrating thing for actual serious usage: any URLs and domains in the post text are now parsed into links. Let's hope I won't need to edit this regular expression ever again.

mushroom 🍄
@grishka What a beautiful regex! Did you made it on your own or find it somewhere?
Little improvement that could be made is to consider a TLD (orange) which is only digit as part of domain? Or it may breaks things, I don't really know if that's *that* useful
quote do: unquote
@grishka welp... https://яндекс.рф
🌮 Dave Millar 🌮

@grishka what about emoji domains like this one? granted it has this alternate text form that should linkify based on the regex.


Unrelated to ActivityPub: Daniel Jackson is so damn hot.


Of all browsers, only Safari on Mac doesn't support <input type="date">. This makes me sad, and it feels like the new IE — Safari is also the only reason why I have to keep jpeg images around.

The best way to see the sites, my ass.


Interestingly, iOS Safari does support it (but still doesn't support webp)


@grishka also: depending on which client you use, toots may become tweets


Weirdest thing on Mastodon so far: more often than not memes come with complete textual descriptions.


update: a usable image uploader, at last. This thing now works as you would expect any post form to work.
- You can click and select files manually
- You can drag & drop files onto the form
- You can paste files into the text box

And best of all, it doesn't lose your post text in the process!


TIL that you can add an auto-increment column in MySQL to an existing table, and it will give sequential ids to all existing rows.


Small notifications update.
- Notifications now have icons, like they do on any decent social media website.
- New notification types: someone followed you, someone accepted your friend request, someone signed up by your invitation.


update. Notifications are ready. The unread counter in the menu updates (with each page reload), pagination works, and post deletion removes any notifications related to that post.

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