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6 posts total
Doug Webb

"A wild tale of how #Allende's engineers and a British management consultant dared challenge corporations and spy agencies - and almost won"

A 9 X ~1 hr podcast with lots of archival audio and recent interviews. Listened to the first 2 and can already recommend.

#Chile #cybersyn #cybernetics #StaffordBeer

Doug Webb

@liaizon in case your in the mood for more

@tin_tadecalamar how much you know about Chile?

Doug Webb

Is there a calm, technically-grounded risk-assessment of #meta (or any other apex-capitalist) 'joining' the fediverse?

Preferably a blog post, but happy for replies :)

Liaizon Wakest

@douginamug I think this is a necessary document to exist. Maybe a wiki page needs to be set up for this regardless. Understanding the specific threat model that we are trying to counter will help everyone...

Doug Webb

#solpunk22 was amazing now I need to process the multifold inspirations I received.

Doug Webb

Hey, anyone out there break through the #DRM on amazon's new 'kindle-only' documents?

Doug Webb

Just bumped into a small, FOSS, commons-oriented sharing platform

It was was set up to self-organise a festival.


Marcus Meindel

@douginamug this looks like an incredible project. Do you know if there was any festival organized that way, yet?

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