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Phil Hawksworth

If like me and many others, you're in the process of moving your tweets to a new home on your own site, a word of caution:

Tweets to twitter circles are not labelled as such in the export, so be aware of the risk of making public what you might have intended for a trusted group

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Thilo Maier

@philhawksworth How do export attachments like photos and videos?

Andy Bell

@philhawksworth it's a shame you can't replace your twitter profile with a _redirects when it's all done

jhey ʕ·ᴥ· ʔ :verified:

@philhawksworth I was wondering what people's use cases were going to be for downloading their archives.

Does it pump it out in any sort of usable format? I'm not sure if I'd miss anything I've posted. I could post it all again I guess 😅 Maybe I could do a series of blog posts on my own domain going back through demos I've made. That'll give me a stream for a minute.

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