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2 posts total
likely not a disguised martian

"Amazingly, despite all the efforts of ministers, there are actually more EU laws now on the UK statute book (6,757) than there were when the whole process started (2,417).

This is the first bonfire in history that has grown in size after it was lit."

I continue to be unduly amused by


@kyonshi Turns out the British Empire is not coming back, "Global Britain" is a pipe dream without European support and co-operation, and "splendid isolation" doesn't work anymore. Fancy that

Kalle Hallivuori

@kyonshi actually useful if you have terminals open in two distant directories: take in one, drop in the other, instead of wasting effort typing the paths of places where you already are.

Though cut/copy&paste might be more efficient idiom for that.

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